Are you new to Weimar or you have been student at the university for a few semesters now? The StudyGuides are students from diffenrent faculties that offer you support for all kind of questions about studying and do help you with personal issues. We regularly invite you to activities where you can also get to know other students.
Zahra Zoleykhaei (M.Sc. Media Architecture) Carolina G. Pinto (M.A. Media Art and Design)
Annika Daub (B.A. Visuelle Kommunikation) David Beckert (M.Sc. IUDD)
As StudyGuides, we would like to offer you individual and various student advice.
We are happy to help you, for example, with...- • ...consultation and translation in case of problems with visa issuance, immigration office.
- • ...translation for legal advice from the Studierendenwerk
- • ...writing applications (job, university)
- • ...translation for doctors and help with finding appointments
- • ...general bureaucratic support
- • ...information about recreational activities
- • ...collective activities in the free time
- • ...getting to know about cultural activities
- • ...counseling in case of problems with studies
- • open ear for personal problems