Applying as a Guest Student
If you wish to increase your knowledge in a certain subject area, you may attend courses at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as a guest student, i.e. without formally enrolling in a degree programme. Please refer to the current course catalogue for a complete list of courses available to guest students.
Guest students
Students who are enrolled at other universities may attend single, several or all courses of a degree programme at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Furthermore, they are permitted to take examinations in accordance with the respective examination regulations.
To register as a guest student, you must first submit an application to attend the course(s) within the application period (usually by 30 September of the year for the coming winter semester and by 31 March of the year for the coming summer semester). You must also include a valid certificate of enrolment from your university for the current semester. Other certificates and documents may also be required. Permission to attend courses as a guest student is granted for only one semester at a time.
For degree programmes with restricted admission policies, guest students are only allowed to attend courses if space allows. Permission to attend courses as a guest student does not constitute any form of membership with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Guest students are exempt from paying the semester contribution.
Course auditing
If you are not enrolled at another university, but would like to refresh or broaden your expertise in a specific subject area, you can audit individual courses offered by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as a non-enrolled student.
Please refer to the current course catalogue for a complete list of courses which may be audited by non-enrolled students. To audit a course, enter the course name(s) on the application form for non-enrolled students and submit it to the Department of study and education.
Pending availability of the requested course, the applicant receives a certificate (ID) as a non-enrolled student of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. This document permits the student to participate in the desired course, but not in the examination. In degree programmes with restricted admission, non-enrolled students may only audit courses with prior approval of the Dean of Studies, providing the courses are offered in the main phase of study and space is available.
Course audits are subject to semester fees. In accordance with its fee regulations, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar charges non-enrolled students the following fees per semester: 75 Euro.
Non-enrolled students may receive a certificate of participation upon request at the end of the course. Please hand in the application form and fees by 30 September of the year for the coming winter semester and by 31 March of the year for the coming summer semester.