Semester Contribution
The semester contribution is one part of your university fees. Although the amount varies depending on the university, it has to be paid in full every semester. At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the semester contribution covers the fee for the student government (StuKo), the services provided by Studentenwerk Thüringen and the Semesterticket - a public trnsport ticket.
For contact data and more information about the semester contribution and the Semester Ticket, please visit the website of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen.
Long-term study fees
Each degree programme must be completed within a certain period. If a student studies longer than four semesters over the standard period of study, he or she is required to pay a 500-euro long-term study fee per semester in addition to the semester contribution.
Living Expenses
Living expenses are relatively lower in Weimar than in other university towns and cities in Germany. According to recent statistics provided by the German Studentenwerk (2016), students in Germany pay an average of 819 Euros per month to cover all their expenses. These include the cost of rent, food, transportation, recreation, insurance, medical treatment, clothing, phone, Internet access and learning materials. As mentioned above, the cost of living in Weimar is lower than the German average.
For further information and a detailed list of typical student expenses, please visit the website of the Deutsches Studentenwerk.
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