1. Who can apply?
International students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar who are particularly involved in intercultural exchange
Criteria for awards:
2. How is funding awarded?
The application deadlines will be 15 of January and 31 August 2024.
The general rules are:
Candidates must be enrolled in a course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
A Bauhaus President Scholarship may not be awarded to candidates who are already receiving public funding.
Scholarship holders are only allowed to work in a part-time job according to the relevant regulations.
(MdU 30/2022 in German; may not exceed the respective applicable limit for "geringfügige Beschäftigungen/marginal employment)
Funding recipients are expected to submit a final report.
Please use the online application form with file upload:
Please include the following documents in the order shown below:
PLEASE NOTE – separate submission by the professor:
8. Please submit the letter of recommendation separately online as a pdf file via the respective professor by 15th of January 2025. For better comparability, please use the “Letter of Recommendation Form” and send it to stipendien[at]uni-weimar.de
The Scholarship Commission of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is expected to decide on the award of the scholarships in the beginning of March.
In addition to the award criteria of academic performance, voluntary work/commitment and interdisciplinarity, social aspects, biographical hurdles and the individual potential of students in their current life situation can be taken into account.
The awarding is subject to the availability of funds in the respective funding year.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timon Rabczuk, Vice President for Projcts and Research
Chair of the Scholarship Commission of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Daria Bibartceva
Urbanistik & Integrated Urban Development and Design (Master)
Voluntary commitment:
Galyna Sukhomud
European Urban Studies (Master)
María Paula Maldonado Mendoza (Teilstipendium)
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (M.F.A.)
Commitment and Activities: Student representative MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies | student assistant in the International Office| Bauhaus Internationals | Political Education Department | Café S140 | Kontor and Stift
Supaksirin Wongsilp (Teilstipendium)
Visuelle Kommunikation (Master)
Commitment and Activities: student assistant in the International Office | Culture Talk Weimar- team member| tutor Studierendenwerk
Anna Perepechai
Visuelle Kommunikation (Bachelor)
Commitment and extracurricular activities: Bauhaus-Botschafterin | student assistant in the University Library, Office of Student and Academic Affairs, International Office | member of the Textilwerkstatt | tutor for first semester students VK and for the Schnupperstudium (Study Try Week) | Welcome-Buddy im Be Buddy programm
Liselot Ramirez
Master student Human-Computer Interaction
Commitment: Tutor for first semester students,
neudeli-Fellowship for the project »Wristy«, Smart Wearable Device
student assistent, department Big Data
Jiani Qu
Bachelor Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Art and Design)
Bachelor Medieninformatik (Media)
Commitment: Bauhaus.Internationals, tutor for first semester students, support "Reakkreditierungskommission" Faculty of Media, student assistant Campus.Office, International.Welcome.Days
Martina Mellenthin Filardo
Architektur (Master)
Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur] (Master)
faculty student representative, StuKo, student café S140, involvement in appointments committee, Bauhaus.Botschafterin
Carolina López Toro
Natural Hazards and Risks in Structural Engineering (NHRE, Master)
Member of Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V. regional group Jena; student assistant; Younger Member Forum of the American Society of Civil Engineers in San Diego
Alla Grishko
MediaArchitecture (Master)
Active as student representative in different committees and initiatives, participated in the DAAD film "Germany - new horizons"
Weiwei Wang
Produktdesign (Bachelor)
active in the Patron Program "Foreigners become Friends"
Bojana Ristic
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Master)
active in the Patron Program "Foreigners become Friends"
Stephen Nolan
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.)
Via Crucis Project, Installation „The Hum“/Glockenmuseum Apolda
Margarita Certeza Garcia
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (Master)
"Weimarer Friedensdialog", Caritas
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