We are glad to welcome you at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to start together into the summer semester 2025.
In order to finalize your enrolment for the summer semester 2025, please submit the required documents by 31 March 2025 at the latest through the Bauhaus.CampusPortal. Please have the following documents ready for online enrolment:
As soon as your documents have been received online in full, you will receive your enrolment documents and further information about the start of your studies within a few working days. You will then be a student at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar from April 1 (summer semester) or October 1 (winter semester).
Note for international students residing outside Germany: If you are not able to arrive by the start of the semester, please contact us immediately. This is the only way we can refund the semester fee you have already paid and cancel your enrolment.
Please note that you will not be refunded the semester fee if you do not arrive. If you have transferred the semester fee and cannot attend, an application for a refund must be submitted. Unfortunately, a transfer to the following semester is not possible. If you have registered with the health insurance company, you must pay the contributions for the entire semester. A refund is only possible if you exmatriculate within the first month of the semester.
Start of the summer semester: 1st April 2025.
* You are obliged to take out health insurance in Germany. The statutory health insurance providers in Germany offer an affordable tariff for students up to 29 years of age or until the end of their 14th subject-related semester. Students who reach the age of 30 while studying in Germany and who are not insured for at least 12 months in the student tariff cannot switch to the statutory health insurance for students. The student tariff comes to around 110 EUR a month and is available until you are 30 years old or have completed your 14th subject-related semester.
To help you start university life on the right foot, we provide a list of things you should do as quickly as possible so you don’t forget anything important at the beginning of your studies:
Sometimes teaming up with a new friend can make your start at university easier. There are many opportunities to make new friends – by taking part in the orientation week events at the beginning of the semester, meeting up at the dining hall, revising at the library, working at the computer centres or simply hanging out at student pubs and residence halls.
The University-Glossary contains an extensive list of important terms which you may encounter during your studies.
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar also offers an extensive range of academic advising services. We can put you in contact with more experienced students or representatives of the faculty student councils who would be happy to help you anytime.
Depending on what you prefer, you can choose to live in a student hall of residence or a room in a flat share (WG), which you’ll find advertised on the university’s electronic message board “Piazza”, or you could contact a real estate agent or the Weimarer Wohnstätte.
Hint: You don’t necessarily have to pay exorbitant brokerage fees. Simply arrange to visit Weimar for a few days and try to find the right flat on your own. The price for a room in a flat share ranges between 150 to 450 Euros per month. You’ll also find inexpensive one-room apartments starting at 350 euros per month.
Flat sharing in Weimar
There are plenty of flat shares in Weimar. Students are always moving in and out, so the best time to find a room is at the beginning or end of the semester.
If you’re looking for a room in a flat share, the first place you should go is the university’s electronic message board "Piazza". You’ll also find ads for rooms posted in the foyer of the Mensa am Park (main dining hall).
Student halls of residence
The Studierendenwerk Thüringen operates several student halls of residence in and around Weimar. Most of the rooms are singles and are arranged in “living units” that are designed for three or more tenants. It’s quite difficult, though, to get a room in a student hall of residence. Students have to apply before the beginning of the upcoming semester. So it definitely pays off to apply far in advance. The application fee is 20 euros for two room offers. One-room apartments are also available to tenants who have been living in a student residence hall for an extended period of time. (last updated 2011)
Your own flat
The Weimarer Wohnstätte offers one-room flats (ca. 30 m2) starting at 300 Euros per month.
There are several real-estate agents in Weimar who can show you a portfolio of small apartments located in the centre of town. However, the monthly rental costs are generally higher – and if you rent an apartment through a real-estate agent, you will have to pay a broker’s commission totalling 2-3 months of rental payments.
The most inexpensive way to get furniture is to peruse the ads on the “Piazza” message board at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Students are always moving around or away – which means you’ll find plenty of great bargains on used furniture.
Buying furniture (used)
Used furniture doesn’t always fit everyone’s taste. But then again, it’s often an inexpensive alternative to buying brand-new furniture.
“Mobilé” is a low-price department store operated by the social welfare organisation Diakonie. There you’ll find furniture and decorative items from yesteryear, as well as electronics and large kitchen appliances at very reasonable prices. They have the best bargains! And all the money earned by Diakonie goes to financing its social welfare projects.
Georg-Haar-Straße 18
99423 Weimar
phone: 03643 850170
Buying furniture (new)
If you need to buy new furniture, the well-known schwedish furniture makeris located in Erfurt.
Eisenacher Straße 50
99094 Erfurt Bindersleben
The Danes have also set up shop in Weimar. At their bed warehouse, you can find a wide selection of furniture and household items.
Rießnerstraße 27
99427 Weimar
Inexpensive transporters are available to let at the Hababusch Hostel. You’ll also find private transporters, advertised on the Piazza message board. Of course, you can also rent a transporter from one of the established rental car companies located in Weimar or lease a transporter (Ford Connect) from the student council (StuKO, Marienstr. 18, top floor).
The first place you should go after moving to Weimar is the Resident Registration Office (Bürgerbüro) located at Schwanseestraße 17. For more information and opening hours
» click here
If you have already registered in Weimar, but are moving to a new apartment within the city limits, you must notify the Resident Registration Office within one week after moving to your new address. If you miss the deadline, the Resident Registration Office may slap you with a fine when you show up to register.
When you go to register, be sure to take your personal ID (or passport) and the completed registration form with you. The forms you will find here. It is no longer necessary to show your tenancy contract or statement from your landlord, confirming that you have moved in.
Scholarships honour outstanding achievements, outstanding projects or special social commitment. The following scholarships are available at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - we look forward to receiving your application!
Scholarships for Students
For your studies abroad: International Office
For starting your own business: Startup Hub neudeli
Scholarships for Graduates, Ph.D. and postdoc researchers
You can check further opportunities on scholarship databases or at StipendiumPlus, the online overview about the 13 organizations for the promotion of young talent (Begabtenförderungsorganisationen) under the umbrella of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
A part-time job can be a good way to finance your studies. Many students seek employment as student assistants in their departments and in the central university facilities. Be sure to check the job openings which are regularly posted by the university.
You can also find other job openings on the job portal operated by the Careers Service and at the Studierendenwerk Thüringen. As a student, you are allowed to earn as much as you wish. However, there are some income restrictions which apply to eligibility requirements for social benefits and financial aid, e.g. BAföG or children’s allowance. Please bear in mind, however, that excessive hours or long commutes to work may significantly prolong your studies or negatively influence your academic performance.
International students are only permitted to work in Germany with a work permit. The work permit allows you to work 120 full days (1 day = 8 hours), which can be spread out over 240 half-days (1/2 day = 4 hours). This allows you to work during semester breaks. You should also keep in mind that if you earn more than 450 Euro a month, you will be subject to higher health insurance premiums.
You should also keep in mind that a job not related to your field of study can have a significant effect on the duration of your studies and cost additional time and energy. It is advisable to find a part-time job in your field, which offers practical experience for you and your subsequent transition to a
The technical requirements you need to participate you will find » here
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Online Lecture Information on the university, student representatives, committees, career service, Gründerwerkstatt neudeli und university sport. » join the event (starts on 30.09.24 at 9:55 a.m.) |
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – Online Lecture How is my study structured? » join the event (starts on 30.09.24 at 12:55 a.m.) |
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Online Lecture Information on BAföG, scholarships, student jobs, Langzeitstudiengebühren » join the event (starts on 01.10.24 at 9:55 a.m.) |
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – Online Lecture Immigration service – learning languages – study abroad – student initiatives – intercultural learning » join the event (starts on 01.10.24 at 12:55 a.m.) |
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Online Lecture The university library introduces itself » join the eventg (starts on 02.10.24 at 9:55 a.m.) |
11 p.m. to 12 p.m. – Online Lecture Which advisory services are available? studying with disabilities, compensation for disadvantages, change your degree programme, diversity and equal opportunity questions » join the event (starts on 02.10.24 at 10:55 a.m.) |
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – Online Lecture Information on study planning and time management » join the event (starts on 02.10.24 at 12:55 a.m.) |
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