Semester Contribution
For students who are already enrolled at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar the semester contribution for summer semester 2025 is 277.80 Euro. The semester fee must be paid within the re-registration deadline (receipt of payment) until 28 February 2025.
INFORMATION FOR ALL NEW STUDENTS: For all first-semester students and new enrolments, a one-time fee of 20,00 Euros for student ID thoska will be charged in addition to the regular semester contribution. Please transfer 297.80 Euro.This amount can be paid up to 31st March 2025 if you sign up first.
This one-time fee for the student ID card does NOT count for students changing degree programmes within the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and for exchange students/Erasmus+ students.
- 85.00 Euro Studierendenwerk fee
- 176.40 Euro Deutschlandsemesterticket
- 16.40 Euro contribution for student government incl. ticket for the theatre Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar and museums and sights of Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Payments: Please transfer all payments and fees to the following account
Landeshauptkasse Thüringen
IBAN: DE52 8205 0000 3001 1113 13
“Verwendungszweck”/intended purpose: name and enrolment number or application number (for first enrolment)
Contact details for bank account: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen/ Landeshauptkasse/ Neue Mainzer Straße 52-58/ 60311 Frankfurt am Main/
In special cases, you may be exempt from paying the semester contribution or eligible for reimbursement. Request forms for reimbursement of the semester contribution may only be submitted to the Studiedendenwerk Thüringen. The request is processed according to the Studierendenwerk’s payment statutes. Reimbursement after the semester begins is only possible in exceptional cases. Request forms must be personally handed in before 30th September for the upcoming winter semester or before 31st March for the upcoming summer semester in the INFOtake, ground floor of the Mensa/dining hall.
Overdue fee: If you fail to pay your semester contribution or request a leave of absence (receipt of payment no later than 28. February 2025 for the summer semester 2025, your name will be removed from the university register. However, you may be allowed to re-register or request a leave of absence following the deadline if there is good reason. If your explanation is recognised, you will be charged an additional overdue fee of 20 euros. If you sign up first or do a re-registration you don't have to pay this additional fee.
The terms and conditions for re-registering are specified in § 12 of the enrolment regulations of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.