With the Teaching Innovation Fund, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar supports the development and testing of experimental teaching/learning settings in the interplay of innovative didactics and modern technology. The focus is on the one hand on the competence orientation of the students and on the other hand on media-enriched teaching, learning and assessment. The Innovation Fund supports the following developments and projects at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:
The available funds can support at least two courses per year: The total funding volume is 75,000 euros per year, the maximum funding per application is 37,500 euros.
Funding is available for the following per project
Before submitting an application, a consultation with the Dr. Nicole Baron (nicole.baron[at]uni-weimar.de) must be held.
The applicants commit themselves to have their course qualitatively evaluated and to participate in accompanying workshops. The project is supervised by the eLab team.
Applications for funding can be submitted by all teachers at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, i.e. professors and scientific/artistic staff with teaching responsibilities.
The committee examines the eligibility and funding of the submitted projects on the basis of the following criteria:
The funded projects are announced and documented on the microsite for teachers (https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/universitaet/lehre/). After completing the course and the qualitative evaluation, the teachers agree to write a short report on their experience, which can be published on the microsite as a portrait of the course.
Successful teaching and learning scenarios can be published on the Best Practice platform of the eTeach network Thuringia. The transfer of the results to other courses at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar must be ensured, for example by presenting the results at the Day of Teaching and Learning.
The eLab provides both preparatory and accompanying support in the development of didactic concepts and advises on the technical implementation and creation of audiovisual media. In addition, self-learning and synchronous qualification offers and a technology lending service are available.
Once the project has been approved, the eLab team provides support from the start of the project to the qualitative evaluation of the course. Workshops of the qualification program for teachers of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar support the acquisition, deepening or reflection of methodical-didactical questions and enable the exchange with other teachers. The qualification program Tutors@eTeach is available for the training of supporting eTutors.
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