3 | 2024


Dear Alumni,
Today we invite you on another exciting virtual journey to your alma mater. We will be sharing information on current research developments, reporting on the preparations for the Faculty of Civil Engineering’s 70th anniversary, as well as other highlights of this year. The current Alumni-Discussion on the history of the university with Prof. Hans-Ulrich Mönnig looks at his time as HAB rector in 1989/90. 

Wishing you a happy spring,
your Silvia Riedel

The Presidium of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is committed to taking a holistic approach to social and environmental sustainability. This includes promoting practical implementation in research, teaching, transfer and administration, and above all environmentally-friendly campus development. To achieve this goal, the university will be investing one percent of its annual budget into its own environmental protection projects. » more

The »Pro-Green Labs« project led by the Department of Urban Studies and Social Research is set to receive 800,000 euros of EU funding. The project aims to achieve sustainability goals in training architects in Egypt and Jordan, strengthening social and practical aspects of architectural studies and improving the future prospects for students and the sustainability of cities. » more

The »Thüringer Innovationszentrum für Wertstoffe« (ThiWert) is working on developing new technologies and recycling concepts to help establish a sustainable circular economy with help from the Department of Resource Management. With 6.4 million euros in funding, the Thuringian Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft (TMWWDG) is securing follow-up funding to gradually transfer research results into practice. » more

As part of the Bauhaus.Module »After the Co(al)lapse: As Envision the Future!«, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar students were tasked with developing creative concepts for the ecological restoration of a former lignite (sometimes referred to as brown coal) power plant. In December 2023, the student group presented their results at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. » more

In April 2024, a new research project will kick off at the International Heritage Centre. The project will focus on the intangible values that generate the material cultural heritage of construction. The goal is to provide a theoretical foundation for methods and practices of recording, preserving and communicating the inherent value of buildings. » more

Over the next three years, the Departments of Computer Science in Architecture, Urban Studies and Social Research, and Virtual Reality and Visualisation in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism and the Faculty of Media will be working together with partners in Weimar and Berlin to research how citizens can participate in urban development processes using virtual reality. The »Bauhaus Participation Lab« joint project is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with nearly 1.3 million euros. » more

The »Krise und Transformation des Eigenheims« interdisciplinary research workshop at the Institute for European Urban Studies has published its extensive research results. The project examined social, ecological and architectural-planning crises in the context of privately-owned homes and looked at approaches for socio-ecological transformation. » more

What actions would be necessary to establish and sustain affordable, high-quality housing for lower- and middle-income groups? This question was the subject of a study carried out at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar on behalf of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. » more

In January 2024, the Department of »Medientheorie und Wissenscahftsgeschichte« at the Faculty of Media hosted the transdisciplinary conference on animism perspectives in media studies and media art. The event focussed on current developments in media technology and three central figures: new assistants, including chatbots like ChatGPT, avatars and technical-media atmospheres, such as smart cities. » more

With exhibitions, individual discussions, expert debates and more, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is organising a thematic year that includes the development of teaching and research concepts designed to outlast the climate crisis, the digital revolution and globalisation. Learn more about the highlights coming up in the anniversary year! » more

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is one of 92 universities in Germany that impressed the jury and received an award for their gender equality policies, structures and measures. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar was also one of just 22 universities who were additionally awarded the title of »Gleichstellungsstarke Hochschule« (universities with strong gender equality). » more

A two-day networking event was organised in February 2024 by the start-up services of the universities in Weimar, Jena and Illmenau. The event focussed exclusively on start-up projects led by women. The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action’s new »EXIST-Women« funding programme supports women at research institutions and universities in becoming self-employed. » more

One term in office, two political systems | Just four months after he took office as Rector of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (HAB), the wall came down. This episode of the Alumni-Discussion series focusses on the history of the university with Prof. Hans-Ulrich Mönnig looking at his time as rector during the system change. » more

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has acquired 134 historical and rare issues of »Film-Kurier« magazine from the years 1924 to 1928. These issues now complete the University Library’s film studies collection. This unique collection from a private archive contains extremely rare silent film era items that are virtually impossible to find anywhere in the world. » more

The documentary film »Handmade in Bangladesh« by long-time Freie Kunst Professor Liz Bachhuber and artistic staff member Florian Wehking has been awarded the rating of »Besonders Wertvoll« by the »Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung« (FBW). The film examines key environmental and globalisation issues, which are closely related to local working and living conditions. » more

The »Stepheight« games studio’s application for a Thuringian start-up grant was successful. The 12-month grant began in February 2024 and is allowing the studio’s three founders to focus on developing their start-up. The idea behind the start-up was inspired by the »Bauhaus Gamesfabrik« course at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. » more

On 15 May 2024, Career Services is inviting students, graduates and alumni to the 14th Career Networking Fair at the Mensa am Park. From 10 am to 4 pm, the campus will be transformed into a platform dedicated to career opportunities. Expand your professional network and get in touch with companies and agencies from the fields of architecture, construction, engineering, urban planning, computer science, media science, media design, and other creative and design industries. » more

The Faculty of Media is seeking alumni for its »Bauhaus.Köpfe« marketing campaign! We are looking to showcase students, instructors and alumni from our Medienkultur and Computer Science degree programmes. In our online and print »Bauhaus.Köpfe« campaign, we feature individuals who teach, study or have studied with us. Interested in taking part in the campaign? Send us an e-mail at We do photo shoots in Weimar and Berlin. We can’t wait to hear from you! » more

In February 2024, the book »Auf dem Weg zum Erinnerungsort – Das Gebäude der NS-Medizinbürokratie in Weimar« was published. The book addresses the history and present of the former National Socialist »Ärztehaus« (medical centre). The texts collected in the volume are the result of a two-year research and education project. » more

2024 is a super election year in Thuringia, Brandenburg and Saxony with local, European and state elections all scheduled to take place. The »92 Tage« (92 days) campaign is the brainchild of instructors and alumni from the Faculty of Art and Design and calls on students from all Thuringian universities to register their residence in Thuringia so that they can vote in the upcoming elections and support democracy in the Free State. » more

The »Deutschlandstipendium« is an excellent way for companies, foundations and private individuals to directly support talented students. In recognition of their outstanding achievements, students receive a financial grant and active support. » more

STAFF | Tim Simon-Meyer appointed Junior Professor of Constructive Design and Experimentation | Maurice Jakesch appointed Junior Professor of Computational Social Science | Stefan Kollmannsberger appointed Professor of Data Engineering in Civil Engineering | Faculty of Media bids farewell to Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Buschow.

IN A NUTSHELL | Bas Böttcher, Faculty of Media Alumni, named first Humboldt-Spoken-Word-Poet | neudeli »empowHER«: Start-up workshop launches with ten (prospective) female founders | Institute for European Urban Studies celebrates 20th anniversary at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | »Demokratie stärken« research topic for Weimar students | New: The Faculty of Civil Engineering on Instagram! | Queens of Structure: Outdoor event and lecture series from 25 April to 14 July |  SpaceKidHeadCup – Soapbox Race on 1 May 2024 in Weimar | »Lange Nacht der Museen« on 11 May 2024 in Weimar and at the Bauhaus-Universität | 14th Career Networking Fair on 15 May 2024 | neudeli Open on 23 May 2024 | Open Campus Day (HIT) on 1 July 2024 | summaery2024 from 11 to 14 July on campus | Alumni-Day at summaery2024 on 13 July | News from the Bauhaus-Network | Current offers from the Bauhaus Further Education Academy | James Dyson Award 2024 is seeking ambitious designs that address a global issue | 

AWARDS | First place in EUROPAN competition for sustainable infrastructure transformation concept in Ingolstadt by Maria Frölich-Kulik and Atidh Jonas Langbein, scientific associates in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning, and Matti Drechsel, Urban Studies graduate. | Public Art alumna Farzane Vaziritabar receives Hannes Malte Mahler Art Award |  Public Art alumnus Isaac Chong Wai invited to 60th International Biennale di Venezia Art Exhibition| »Irgendwas mit Medien« series Mirko Muhshoff and Jano Kaltenbach nominated for this year’s »Grimme-Preis« in the »Kinder und Jugend« category | Public Art alumna Ina Weise receives »Kunstpreis der Landeshauptstadt Dresden« | European Medienkultur alumna Alice Paul receives »Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule« excellence award | Prof. Dr. Eva Hornecker, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of Computer Science of Media at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, named a »Distinguished Member« of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

ALUMNI REUNIONS | Are you planning an alumni reunion? We can help you find your fellow students. We can help you plan your reunions. We publish your information and provide links to your pages. We connect you. Take advantage of our service. Contact the Alumni Office. Upcoming ALUMNI REUNIONS 2024

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