Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik
Betreut durch die Professur für Interface Design
Spatial Intimacy
1) Why do you study at the Bauhaus University?
The history of the Bauhaus movement has been a great point of interest, making studying at this institution a source of motivation and inspiration. Being a student at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has offered me a remarkable opportunity to immerse myself in a creative and culturally rich environment.. The university's unwavering support and the guidance provided by the dedicated academic staff have greatly facilitated my academic journey, enabling me to thrive and pursue my studies with ease.
2) What is special about your project, why is it relevant?
'Spatial Intimacy' immerses users in an interactive dialogue with generative architectural spaces in a virtual environment, driven by real-time emotion data. This fosters a profound connection with the space, resulting in heightened engagement and a truly intimate experience, hence, 'Satial Intimacy'.
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