
Newsletter 06.2024

1. Science and research with AI: a new Scopus service

Starting now, and initially until the end of 2024, all members of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will be able to use »Scopus AI« directly from the search form of bibliographic database Scopus. Freely phrase your request and the AI will generate topical summaries, visual representations of keywords, possible follow-up questions and suggested phrasings for going deeper, or point out experts in the field.
»Scopus AI« is a new generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) research tool. Using Large Language Models (LLM) technology, it’s based on metadata and summaries of Scopus database documents published after 2013.
Please remember to always fact check »Scopus AI« results. Generative artificial intelligence always has a chance to generate hallucinations.
The university library would very much like to receive feedback on this new product by the linked form or by e-mail (info@ub.uni-weimar.de).

2. New co-working space at the university library

Co-Working Space at the Weimar university library. Picture: Andreas Wolter

Still an insider tip, but getting increasingly popular: in the lower entrance area of the library building you can now gather in the new co-working space, featuring custom made tables and chairs (design & execution: Andreas Wolter) intended for flexible use by students and instructors. Hold a seminar or workshop, play a game of chess or backgammon or just hang out and take a break.
The project is currently in a trial period and represents the constructive cooperation of the university library, the executive board, university strategic development, facility management and the student government.

3. University library funds more Open Access monographs

Cover of »Histories of Urban Planning. European Perspectives«, edited by Victoria Grau and Max Welch Guerra

As part of its Open Access scheme, the library was able to contribute € 2,380 each to the funding of two new Open Access books. Both books were published in June 2024 and are available to borrow in the library. The e-books are freely available on the respective publishers’ websites as well as in the Thuringia digital library (Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen).
»Histories of Urban Planning. European Perspectives«, edited by Victoria Grau and Max Welch Guerra, professorship Raumplanung und Raumforschung, focuses on European perspectives on the history and politics of city planning. The publication is based on the 2021 annual convention of the Institut für Europäische Urbanistik »Räumliche Planung und politische Herrschaftsformen«. The English language version was published by Routlegde.

Cover of »Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus« by Maike Janssen

»Digitalisierung im Krankenhaus« was written by Maike Janssen as part of her habilitation project at the Chair of Media Sociology and was published by Beltz Juventa



Please consult our Open Access website for further information on the TMWWDG and DFG Open Access funding schemes and their conditions.

4. Online publications service fully transferred

The Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen (DBT) is the new publication portal of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, fully replacing the former portal OPUS Weimar. University members with a valid university account can publish their work in a few easy steps.
For many years Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen has served as a common platform for Thuringian universities for electronic publishing and long-term archiving multiple media types from research and teaching. The platform allows access to publications from the universities in Jena, Erfurt, Ilmenau and other participating institutions.

5. University library book sale report

Book sale 2024. Foto: Christine Szosta

Many visitors browsed our extensive selection of withdrawn but well kept library books in June. 866 titles found new owners in the end, and the library made € 1,507 from the sale, which can now be used to acquire new books and the latest editions.

6. Night of Writing 2024 impressions

Night of Writing 2024 in the Weimar university library. Foto: Thomas Müller

During the Night of Writing on June 13th many researchers, students and visitors were able to see our library in a special light. We’re happy that the varied range of tours, workshops, speeches, podcasts and exhibits on the topic of writing were met with interest until midnight. Please visit the Night of Writing website for further impressions and pictures of the event.

7. »summaery2024« - exhibitions in the university library

During the annual »summaery2024« from July 11th to 14th students and instructors will present their ideas on this year’s motto »PLAN B« at a multitude of spots on campus as well as in and outside of town. The university library will house some exhibits, too. In the upper entrance area you’ll be able to see »AI Prophéties« and »Print Lab», and »Screening – Beyond the Screens« can be seen from the plaza. You can find more information on the individual projects in the project listing.

8. »ELSEˈS STORY. Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt« - reading and exhibition

Cover of »ELSEˈS STORY. Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt« by Katrin Richter

This year’s big issue at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is »Strengthening Democracy«, and special attention is placed on the 2023 book »ELSEˈS STORY. Aus dem Leben der ersten Börsenmaklerin der Welt« by Katrin Richter, subject librarian for media and cultural studies, philosophy and sociology at the university library.
During the summaery and the Weimar art festival as well as in cooperation with the Volkshochschule Weimar, the Lichthaus film theater and the Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek there will be several readings and an exhibition in the next few months.
Detailed information on the events and the book can be found on the ELSEˈS STORY website.

Stefanie Röhl