< Arduino(Redirected from Arduino Links)
Official and wikipedia
- arduino.cc – die offizielle Arduino Seite
- Arduino Programming Reference
- www.arduino.cc/playground
- wikipedia:Arduino
Shields & Communication
- Shieldlist – Eine Datenbank der erhältlichen Shields
- Arduino Ethernet Shield
- Arduino and Wifi
- DIYSandbox Arduiino-Mini mit Wifi-Modul, Wifi-Shield
- Arduino & Bluetooth with BlueSmirf Gold
- Arduino Shield for Easier and Faster Stepper Motor Driver Designs
- Anleitung wie man Fernbedienungen (z.B. für Funksteckdosen) mit einem Optokoppler per Arduino steuern kann
- http://learn.sparkfun.com/curriculum/9 Arduino programming and electronics intro - (also have a look at the other tutorials there!)
- arduino-tutorial introduction programming / electronics German, English - not available for free any longer, but paid eBook
- Bionic Arduino Workshop von Tod E. Kurt
- Spooky Arduino Workshop von Tod E. Kurt
- Arduino Workshop von Ladyada
- LilyPad Arduino Tutorial
- earthshineelectronics.com - Starter kit and beginner's guide to Arduino (links to the guide at bottom of page)
- Classe Arduino en français
- Workshop Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces
- tronixstuff.wordpress.com
- Video Tutorials by Jeremy Blum on Youtube
- Video Tutorials by Massimo Banzi on the RS-Components Youtube channel and the official website for the Arduino Starter Kit
Arduino clones
- Standuino – unite the Ardunio witth a prototyping board and you get the Standunio
- Paperduino - The original Arduino's clone! by Altlab
- PaperduinoPerfboard - Homemade Arduino (Paperduino) Clone in a Perfboard (Spanish)
- PaperduinoPCB - Homemade Arduino (Paperduino) clone in a PCB (Spanish)
- PaperduinoStripboard - Homemade Arduino (Paperduino) clone in a Stripboard (Spanish)
- Paperduino Leonardo - Homemade Arduino Leonardo clone (Spanish)
- PaperTecladoDigital - Homemade keyboard for Arduino (Spanish)
- PaperTecladoAnalogico - Homemade keyboard using an analogic input (Spanish)
- PaperTecladoRC - Homemade keyboard using a digital input (Spanish)
- PaperTeclado - Homemade keyboard with a printed paper!! (Spanish)
- MicroPaperRele - Homemade direct Relay carte (Spanish)
- PaperRele - Homemade transistor drive for Relay (Spanish)
- PaperDimmerPCB - Dimmer with triac (8 power levels) (Spanish)
- PaperStepperUnipolar Homemade unipolar stepper driver (Spanish)
- PaperStepper(L293D) - Homemade bipolar stepper driver with L293D (Spanish)
- PaperStepper(L298N) - Homemade bipolar stepper driver with L298N (Spanish)
- TerminalBlockRelay- Unwelded minimal relay driver with FET transistor (Spanish)
- PaperDimmerLDR - Dimmer with triac and LED-LDR (Spanish)
- PaperFTDI - Paperduino FTDI cable (without FTDI chip!!) from a 3$ Nokia cable. (Spanish)
- PaperBootloader - Conection for bootloader in Paperduino. (Spanish)
- Alimentación Paperduino - Powering Paperduino. (Spanish)
- PaperDiode - Power Supply for Arduino or Paperduino. (Spanish)
- PaperBluetooth - Homemade BluetoohShield for Arduino or Paperduino. (Spanish)
- PEI-Genesis - Arduino Power Supply Connectors.
- TxapuCNC: Software - Homemade CNC router with Arduino 1/2. (Spanish)
- TxapuCNC: Hardware - Homemade CNC router with Arduino 2/2. (Spanish)
- PaperRobot - Homemade Robot chasis. (Spanish)
- www.arduinoshow.com Archiv von Arduino-Projekten
See also Suppliers#Arduinos and Shields on where to get Arduinos, shields, sensors and related stuff and Interfaces#I/O Boards for a list of alternative interface boards.