Uploads by Felixsattler

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
12:09, 20 October 2012 Felix Sattler - musterkoffer-best-of.jpg (file) 1.12 MB   1
15:23, 25 September 2012 Felix Sattler - WildnisMuseum Logo.jpg (file) 34 KB   1
22:18, 11 March 2011 Gunnar Brehm Domestikation detail wall of fame.jpg (file) 352 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft II: Spiel und Wettkampf; mixed media: wood, medals, trophies, 2010. Foto: Gunnar Brehm 1
22:15, 11 March 2011 Gunnar Brehm Domestikation detail status symbols.jpg (file) 317 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft III: Status symbols, mixed media: wood, prints on aluminum, fabric and wood, 2010. Foto: Gunnar Brehm 1
22:11, 11 March 2011 Gunnar Brehm Domestikation Messer.jpg (file) 354 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft IV: Essen und Genießen, mixed media: wood, knives, print, 2010. Foto: Gunnar Brehm 1
21:20, 11 March 2011 Gunnar Brehm Domestikation Leinen.jpg (file) 531 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft I: Maske und Macht, mixed media: wood, leashes, metal, 2010. Foto: Gunnar Brehm 1
20:42, 11 March 2011 Felixsattler domestikation medals detail.jpg (file) 881 KB Detail view of the Kalkül und Leidenschaft Installation No. 2 "Spiel und Wettkampf" by Elisabeth Kaufmann and Felix Sattler. Domestikation exhibition, Phyletisches Museum Jena 2010-11. 1
21:32, 13 December 2010 MODEN EFmodule 2010.jpg (file) 74 KB Moden & öffentliche Erscheinungsbilder Aufgabenstellung Einführungsmodul WS2010 1
21:30, 13 December 2010 MODEN EFmodule 2010.pdf (file) 817 KB Moden & öffentliche Erscheinungsbilder Einführungmodul Aufgabenstellung 1
13:00, 10 December 2010 MODEN naehkaestchen christoph niemann 03.jpg (file) 87 KB Christoph Niemann lecture on Dec 7, 2010 1
13:00, 10 December 2010 MODEN naehkaestchen christoph niemann 02.jpg (file) 94 KB Christoph Niemann lecture on Dec 7, 2010 1
12:59, 10 December 2010 MODEN naehkaestchen christoph niemann 01.jpg (file) 113 KB Christoph Niemann lecture on Dec 7, 2010 1
21:23, 7 December 2010 MODEN-Nähkästchen-Niemann-Poster.jpg (file) 1.02 MB Poster für aus dem Nähkästchen-Vortrag von Christoph Niemann am 7.12.2010 1
14:44, 7 December 2010 Felixsattler nk chrniemann announce.jpg (file) 28 KB Nähkästchen Logo announcing Christoph Niemann lecture 1
12:52, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation logo.jpg (file) 112 KB Exhibition poster designed by Konrad Angermüller. 1
12:45, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 08.jpg (file) 601 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft III: Status; mixed media: wood, prints on wood, metal and textile; 2010 1
12:42, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 07.jpg (file) 556 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft IV: Essen, mixed media: wood, knifes, print, 2010 (here shown next to the livestock showcase) 1
12:39, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 06.jpg (file) 743 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann & Felix Sattler: Kalkül und Leidenschaft II: Wettkampf (Wall of Fame), detailed view, 2010 1
11:29, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 05.jpg (file) 521 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann, Felix Sattler "Reason & Emotion: Competition" Installation mixed media: wood, diverse trophies, 2010 (shown here next to the showcase discussing the effects of domestication for animal species) 1
11:24, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 02.jpg (file) 616 KB   1
10:57, 4 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 04.jpg (file) 429 KB Village Square scenography designed by Elisabeth Kaufmann/ Felix Sattler. 1
19:45, 2 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 03.jpg (file) 861 KB Elisabeth Kaufmann, Felix Sattler "Reason and Emotion: Dressage" Installation mixed media: wood, metal and dog leashes (+ one human leash) 2010 detail view 1
18:32, 2 December 2010 Felixsattler domestikation 01.jpg (file) 433 KB The Phyletisches Museum's special exhibition area showing the Domestikation exhibition. The exhibition logo on and the "village square" bench around the central column were designed by Elisabeth Kaufmann, Felix Sattler (both: idea, concept) and Konrad Ang 1
18:03, 2 December 2010 Felixsattler lecture bremen112010 02.jpg (file) 587 KB Bärbel Kühne, Felix Sattler and Grizzly Bear preparing for the lecture at the HfK Bremen 1
17:41, 2 December 2010 Felixsattler lecture bremen112010 01.jpg (file) 469 KB Felix Sattler during his lecture on the history of diatoms (unicellular algae) in art and design reseach. Foto ©2010 Jeff Hemmer 1
11:30, 17 October 2010 Felix Sattler - Musterkoffer (2009).jpg (file) 146 KB Musterkoffer für eine Performance von CASINO Internationale (Kathrin Böer und Felix Sattler) im Rahmen des Schwarzmarkts für nützliches Wissen und Nichtwissen (in Lizenz von Hannah Hurtzig) im Nationaltheater Mannheim, Juni 2009. 1
12:59, 26 July 2010 826 Mimic 20100718 3811.jpg (file) 3.33 MB Sebastian Prince<br> Mimic<br> Multiple, 2010 1
12:56, 26 July 2010 826 MilkvsPepperSpray 20100718 3821.jpg (file) 3.27 MB Julia Gaßmann, Sophie Kümmerling, Chris Mitzschke<br> Pfeffer- und Milchspray<br> Multiples, 2010 1
12:42, 26 July 2010 826 HumanNature GordicKnot 20100718 3798.jpg (file) 3.54 MB links: Konrad Angermüller, Elisabeth Kaufmann<br> Human Nature<br> Multiples, 2010<br><br> rechts: Elisabeth Kaufmann<br> Gordic Knot<br> Multiples, 2010 1
12:39, 26 July 2010 826 geistigesEigentum CD 20100718 3816.jpg (file) 4.97 MB links: Lisa Rost<br> Geistiges Eigentum<br> Multiple, 2010<br><br> rechts: Florian Heinrich<br> Datenschutz CD-R<br> Multiple, 2010 1
12:36, 26 July 2010 826 CandyLand 20100718 3832.jpg (file) 3.87 MB Pauline Schlesier<br> CandyLand<br> Multiple, 2010 1
12:33, 26 July 2010 826 Blast 20100718 3831.jpg (file) 3.74 MB Laura Jozefini<br> Blast<br> Multiples, 2010 1
12:30, 26 July 2010 826 Bagatelle 20100718 3823.jpg (file) 2.33 MB Christiane Schlütter & Tina Engelmann<br> Bagatelle<br> Multiples, 2010 1
12:21, 26 July 2010 826 AirGuitCreme 20100718 3836.jpg (file) 6.29 MB Julius Muschalek<br> Air Guitar Creme<br> Multiple, 2010 1
12:18, 26 July 2010 826 Shop wall 20100718 3794.jpg (file) 101 KB 826 SuperStore Weimar,<br> exhibition view 1
12:16, 26 July 2010 826 wall detail BETTER20100718 3803.jpg (file) 101 KB 826 SuperStore Weimar<br> exhibition view 1
12:14, 26 July 2010 826 wall angle 20100718 3806.jpg (file) 107 KB 826 Shop, wall<br> 1
12:09, 26 July 2010 Ampersand Atelier, Raumansicht 20100718 3787.jpg (file) 101 KB exhibition view Media Trend & Public Appearance Ampersand Studio Group Show July 15 – 18, 2010 1
16:41, 22 July 2010 Moden diatomeen medusensaal.jpg (file) 107 KB Diatomeen -- Formensinn. Ausstellungsansicht im Phyletischen Museum Jena 1
11:16, 22 July 2010 Moden AmpersandAtelier Raum.jpg (file) 106 KB Ampersand Atelier, studentische Arbeitsplätze der Professur Moden & öffentliche Erscheinungsbilder 1
11:06, 22 July 2010 Moden AmpersandAtelier Schreibtische.jpg (file) 101 KB Ampersand Atelier, studentische Arbeitsplätze der Professur Moden & öffentliche Erscheinungsbilder 1
15:23, 14 June 2010 Felixsattler–test cow.png (file) 31 KB Test image. Delete after usage ©Felix Sattler 1
12:47, 9 June 2010 Engelmann musterkoffer Koffer1 2 Kopie.jpg (file) 66 KB Tina Engelmann: Musterkoffer 1 (Detail) mixed media ©Tina Engelmann, 2009 1
12:45, 9 June 2010 Engelmann musterkoffer koffer1 1.jpg (file) 65 KB Tina Engelmann: Musterkoffer 1 mixed media ©Tina Engelmann, 2009 1
18:17, 24 February 2010 Truncale, Lenna Musterkoffer Work in a nutshell.jpg (file) 155 KB Lenna Truncale<br> '''Work in a Nutshell'''<br> mixed media<br> Werkmodul ''Musterkoffer'' 2009<br> ''Foto: Copyright Lenna Truncale'' 1
17:52, 24 February 2010 Portrait christine small.jpg (file) 42 KB Prof. Christine Hill (Portrait), ''Foto: Felix Sattler'' 1
17:31, 24 February 2010 Button proudly teaching.png (file) 18 KB Proudly dedicated to better teaching since 2004 1
16:17, 24 February 2010 Archivregale 03 Haupstaatsarchiv Adler.jpg (file) 60 KB Archivregale. Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar. ''Foto: Thomas Adler'' 1
15:59, 24 February 2010 Archivregale 02 Haupstaatsarchiv Adler.jpg (file) 77 KB Archivregal. Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar. ''Foto: Thomas Adler'' 1
15:57, 24 February 2010 Archivregale Detail Haupstaatsarchiv Adler.jpg (file) 72 KB Archivregale. Thüringisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar. ''Foto: Thomas Adler'' 1
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