Media statistics

Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.

Compressed formats

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/, .jar, .xpi, .sxc, .stc, .sxd, .std, .sxi, .sti, .sxm, .stm, .sxw, .stw499 (1.63%)1,494,746,608 bytes (1.39 GB; 3.33%)

Total file size for this section of 499 files (1.63%): 1,494,746,608 bytes (1.39 GB; 3.33%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
text/plain.txt619 (2.03%)18,879,277 bytes (18 MB; 0.0421%)
text/x-c33 (0.108%)55,577 bytes (54 KB; 0.000124%)
text/x-c++19 (0.0622%)24,396 bytes (24 KB; 0.0000544%)
application/xml.xml, .xsl, .xsd, .kml8 (0.0262%)875,285 bytes (855 KB; 0.00195%)
text/x-python2 (0.00655%)12,504 bytes (12 KB; 0.0000279%)

Total file size for this section of 681 files (2.23%): 19,847,039 bytes (18.93 MB; 0.0442%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/pdf.pdf1,375 (4.5%)4,621,317,314 bytes (4.3 GB; 10.3%)
application/msword.doc, .dot24 (0.0786%)14,624,768 bytes (13.95 MB; 0.0326%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.docx16 (0.0524%)15,707,496 bytes (14.98 MB; 0.035%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation.pptx8 (0.0262%)58,667,055 bytes (55.95 MB; 0.131%)
text/rtf.rtf7 (0.0229%)156,025 bytes (152 KB; 0.000348%)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.xlsx1 (0.00327%)23,098 bytes (23 KB; 0.0000515%)
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text.odt1 (0.00327%)1,650,087 bytes (1.57 MB; 0.00368%)

Total file size for this section of 1,432 files (4.69%): 4,712,145,843 bytes (4.39 GB; 10.5%).

Rich media

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
video/quicktime.qt, .mov93 (0.304%)888,017,643 bytes (846.88 MB; 1.98%)
application/x-shockwave-flash.swf7 (0.0229%)57,438,572 bytes (54.78 MB; 0.128%)
application/ogg.ogx, .ogg, .ogm, .ogv, .oga, .spx, .opus1 (0.00327%)30,719 bytes (30 KB; 0.0000685%)

Total file size for this section of 101 files (0.331%): 945,486,934 bytes (901.69 MB; 2.11%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
video/mp4.mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4b, .m4r, .m4v246 (0.805%)2,061,119,620 bytes (1.92 GB; 4.6%)
video/x-matroska.mkv, .mka3 (0.00982%)27,144,036 bytes (25.89 MB; 0.0605%)

Total file size for this section of 249 files (0.815%): 2,088,263,656 bytes (1.94 GB; 4.66%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
audio/mp3.mpga, .mpa, .mp2, .mp3114 (0.373%)584,030,505 bytes (556.97 MB; 1.3%)
audio/wav.wav26 (0.0851%)196,774,670 bytes (187.66 MB; 0.439%)
audio/mpeg.mpga, .mpa, .mp2, .mp318 (0.0589%)27,220,948 bytes (25.96 MB; 0.0607%)
application/ogg.ogx, .ogg, .ogm, .ogv, .oga, .spx, .opus1 (0.00327%)4,470,496 bytes (4.26 MB; 0.00997%)

Total file size for this section of 159 files (0.52%): 812,496,619 bytes (774.86 MB; 1.81%).

Drawings (vector images)

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/svg+xml.svg19 (0.0622%)5,586,125 bytes (5.33 MB; 0.0125%)
chemical/x-mdl-rgfile.rg6 (0.0196%)434,209 bytes (424 KB; 0.000968%)

Total file size for this section of 25 files (0.0818%): 6,020,334 bytes (5.74 MB; 0.0134%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jps19,668 (64.4%)26,453,728,531 bytes (24.64 GB; 59%)
image/png.png, .apng7,208 (23.6%)6,899,774,159 bytes (6.43 GB; 15.4%)
image/gif.gif346 (1.13%)1,086,051,301 bytes (1.01 GB; 2.42%)
image/tiff.tiff, .tif9 (0.0295%)21,548,582 bytes (20.55 MB; 0.048%)
image/x-bmp.bmp6 (0.0196%)1,881,732 bytes (1.79 MB; 0.0042%)
image/x-photoshop.psd2 (0.00655%)9,439,156 bytes (9 MB; 0.021%)
image/x-ms-bmp.bmp2 (0.00655%)5,318,126 bytes (5.07 MB; 0.0119%)
image/webp.webp2 (0.00655%)90,454 bytes (88 KB; 0.000202%)

Total file size for this section of 27,243 files (89.2%): 34,477,832,041 bytes (32.11 GB; 76.9%).


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
unknown/unknown143 (0.468%)138,034,692 bytes (131.64 MB; 0.308%)
video/3gpp12 (0.0393%)155,930,856 bytes (148.71 MB; 0.348%)
application/ (0.00982%)98,304 bytes (96 KB; 0.000219%)
application/x-php2 (0.00655%)3,055 bytes (3 KB; 0.00000681%)
image/heic1 (0.00327%)1,927,686 bytes (1.84 MB; 0.0043%)

Total file size for this section of 161 files (0.527%): 295,994,593 bytes (282.28 MB; 0.66%).

All files

Total file size for all 30,550 files: 44,852,833,667 bytes (41.77 GB).