Uploads by Vitu3480

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
10:41, 11 July 2010 Processing env example.png (file) 14 KB Example screenshot of the Processing IDE. 1
10:57, 11 July 2010 Neural network xor.png (file) 11 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
12:06, 11 July 2010 Processing neural network xor 2.png (file) 15 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
12:08, 11 July 2010 Processing neural network xor 3.png (file) 14 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
12:13, 11 July 2010 Processing neural network xor 1.png (file) 11 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
12:14, 11 July 2010 Processing neural network xor 4.png (file) 13 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
12:16, 11 July 2010 Processing neural network xor 5.png (file) 15 KB XOR neural network by Daniel Shiffman. 1
13:18, 11 July 2010 Neural network multilayer perceptron.png (file) 42 KB Multilayer perceptron sketch. 1