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Revision as of 13:08, 30 May 2019

If you are in your first trimester of pregnancy (it is okay to use during labor – please consult your doctor)

If you have numbness or less feeling over a painful area

If you have pre-existing lymphoedema. T.E.N.S. may affect lymphatic circulation, causing further fluid retention. Issues of skin integrity should also be considered

If you have a pacemaker

If you have a cardiac condition

If you currently have Cancer or if you have previously had cancer

If you have recently experienced unexplained noticeable weight loss

If you have undiagnosed pain

If you have epilepsy

If you have had a stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident – CVA) or mini-stroke (Transient Ischemic Attack – TIA)

While driving or operating potentially dangerous machinery

While in the shower

Do not use internally (inside your body)

Do not place pads in a way that directs the current through the chest wall (i.e. by placing one electrode on the back and the other opposite this on the front of the chest)

Do not place pads on the front of your neck. This risks stimulating the carotid sinus, which could cause cardiac problems (usually hypotension)

Do not apply pads over the eyes

Do not place pads across the temples on the head

Do not place pads over incisions or broken skin, sores and areas of eczema and psoriasis

Do not use with very high intensity if you find that your skin feels like it burns (dermal reaction due to electrical irritation)

Do not use if an allergy develops to the pads, adhesive or tape that is used. Find alternative materials