GMU:Critical VR Lab I - Unity Introduction/Deborah Meyer: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "My project aims to show the difference between the outside perception and true inside deliberations of the human mind. We often like to seem in control of our emotions, setbac...")
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Revision as of 18:49, 3 January 2021

My project aims to show the difference between the outside perception and true inside deliberations of the human mind. We often like to seem in control of our emotions, setbacks, or achievements to the outside world; showing vulnerability is not always easy or even deemed appropriate in most social settings. Nevertheless, fears and disappointments can take up much space in the mind. This comes out most clearly perhaps while meditating, in the attempt not to think about anything but just feel our true emotional state. As we are continually busy doing one thing or another in our daily lives it becomes easy to push non-immediate thoughts aside. Much more goes on inside our mind than is apparent at first glance, even to ourselves.

The first scene is a forest. There is a girl sitting in front of a candle in a meditating position being surrounded by animals. Her nudity relates to the vulnerability of the human body and its connection to the natural world. Her position reflects introspection and the effort made to keep a calm appearance on the outside. I would like to have a portal going through her eye into the next scene. As the mirror of the soul, the eyes provide an entrance into the deeper thoughts going on inside the mind. Her calm exterior will be contrasted by the chaos ensuing inside. Current topics of stress become apparent, such as natural disasters and the pandemic but also more common ones like education, work, and creativity. Additionally, random objects and things will be included to create a confusing mess.

Project 2.jpg

Project 3.jpg

Project 1.jpg