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Which problem did you identify?

The interface concept behind not only browsers is way too old and got no improve to handle the wide range of contenttypes and generally the massive increase in data. To mention, the visualisation and organisation of data is of course one of the biggest tasks for this century. So what are the problems? - There werent many websites in the early age of the web. -> Massive increase. - You had a starting site and then you clicked your way through the web through links. The was no index. You couldn't go to site, you never heard of/no link existed. -> Now there are searchable indexes of nearly all webpages that exist on the web.

The thing with bookmarks.

Links tend to be outdated just in the moment you bookmarked them. Sites go offline, url are changing, content changes. Months later, the information itself is no longer relevent - outdated or maybe the information is already manifested in you brain and no longer needed externally. Its faster to "google", than to search your own bookmarks. "Ah, new computer, my bookmarks are gone.. ."

The integration of multimedia.

Bad for the user: Every website has its on videoplayer, photo-script (lightbox), audioplayer.. . "What happens when i click the link..? Oh no..". For the webdesigner: You want to put music on the page. But how? You could link to a mp3-file. But every browser does a different strange thing. Maybe you have to download the file. Maybe there is a new white window with an internal player in the center, maybe there is a blank page whith a custom player (plugin) in the center of the page. Also: Just because of the lame multimedia integration, there are less downloadable files and more adobe flash. Congratulation!

Widgets/WebApps (however its called in ten years)

Very very less people really need offline webapps (the cache was a really good invention.. and it works.. offline). But the worst thing - there is no good concept to integrate these so called webapps in the browser.

So what is the browser?

The browser isnt just another program. Its an abstraction layer and so we need an interface to do all the things that are possible. Now that all work and fun happens in the browser, the browser does all things, the os-interface does, we need an interface that is same as powerful as the desktop/explorer.

Why are current systems unable to solve this problem?

Webbrowsers are just outdated. Use any browser, open twenty tabs. You see. The problem is, how people think about browsers.

What research findings led you to your first concept?

After surfing the web for some years, i recognized that over the years, the internet and so the browser became more important - more than any other program, more than the desktop. The problem was and is: The actual concept isn't doing the job.

In 140 characters, what is the essence of your project/solution?

An interface that is same as powerful as the desktop/explorer.


The user knows what a desktop is. The one who doesn't know - there could be a short introduction video. Its wrong that good interface is usably without knowing anything about it. Look at apple - they explain the use of their products via direct (commerial) and indirect (presentations, blogs, geeks/early adopters) marketing.

What makes your solution more useful or efficient than current products?


(Essential: Sketches and/or Video to illustrate the interaction)

User tests

How did you test your design?

{your text here...}

What new problems did you identify?

{your text here...}

What did you change following your user tests?

{your text here...}