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For newcomers all the acronyms at the university can be confusing to say the least. That's why there is this list.
#REDIRECT [[Terminology]]
;A : Architektur ''sometimes the letter '''A''' simply refers to the faculty of architecture''
;B11 : Bauhausstraße 11, Here is the faculty administration and another Mac Pool in the basement
;B15 : Bauhausstraße 15, Here are some computer pools
;BFA : Bachelor of Fine Arts ''undergraduate students will graduate with this degree''
;Bib(o) : Bibliothek ''Library''
;Bison : Beratungs- und Informations-System online ''see VLV''
;BUW : Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
;CSS : [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]]
;DBIS : Datenbankinformationssystem
;ECTS : [[ECTS|European Credit Transfer System]]
;EZB : Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
;GMU : [[GMU:Start|Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen]]
;GPS : [[GPS|Global Positioning System]]
;GUI : Graphical User Interface
;HTML : [[HTML|Hypertext Markup Language]]
;IC : Integrated Circuit, a chip
;IFD : [[IFD:Start|Interface-Design]]
;Int : [[Int|Integer]] is a data type in many programming languages
;JSON : [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]]
;KEW : Künstlerisch-Experimentelle Werkstätten
;KVC+KVO : [[KVC+KVO|Key-Value-Coding]]
;LAN : Local Area Network
;M5 : Marienstraße 5
;M18 : Marienstraße 18, this is where the StuKo and the students Café is
;MFA : Master of Fine Arts ''graduate students will receive this degree''
;MIDI : Musical Instruments Digital Interface ''see also OSC''
;MK : Medienkultur
;MM : Medienmanagement
;MVC : [[MVC|Model/View/Controller]]-Design Pattern
;OPAC : Online Public Access Catalogue
;OOP : [[OOP|Object-Oriented Programming]]
;OSC : [[OSC|Open Sound Control]]
;OSM : [[Mapping|Open Street Map]] a free and open map source
;Pd : [[Pure Data]] a programming environment
;PHP : [[PHP|PHP Hypertext Processor]]
;Q3 : Coudraystraße. A Street named after [ Clemens Wenzeslaus Coudray]. In fact this is not an acronym, it's a phonetic joke in reference to M18, B11 and so forth. Be aware that the number 3 is part of it and not the address. The University's building in that street is number 13.
;Regex : [[Regular Expressions]]
;SDK : Software Development Kit
;SeaM : [[EKK:Start|Studio für elektroakustische Musik]] – Studio for electroacoustic Music
;SS : Sommersemester – usually this is followed by the year. If not it could be something else.
;StuKo : Studierenden Konvent (some other Universities call this Sudentenrat)
;SCC : [[SCC-Services|Servicezentrum für Computersysteme und -kommunikation]] (some other Universities call this Rechenzentrum)
;SWS : [[SWS|Semesterwochenstunden]]
;UI : User Interface
;UK : Universitätskommunikation ''a service of the university taking care of public relations''
;VDV : Van-der-Velde Bau
;VK : Visuelle Kommunikation ''a graphic design program at the faculty Gestaltung''
;VLV : Vorlesungsverzeichnis
;VPN : [[VPN-Clients an der Bauhaus-Uni|Virtual Private Network]] you need to know how to set this up if you want (W)LAN access at the university
;Wiki : not an acronym but Haiwaiian for ''fast''. It is the name for a hypertext system for websites where the users can not only read the content but is able to change it online through the browser.
;WLAN : Wireless ''LAN''
;WS : Wintersemester
;XAMP : [[PHP|A combination of different software for web server]]


Latest revision as of 15:36, 16 November 2011

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