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Linkliste für die Kurse [[GMU:Follow The Green Rabbit]] und [[GMU:Synbio]]
*Agnes Denes [[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] ]
*Agnes Denes [[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] ]

Revision as of 15:33, 11 March 2010

Linkliste für die Kurse GMU:Follow The Green Rabbit und GMU:Synbio


  • Agnes Denes [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Allison Moore [1 2 ] Canadian artist working with the topics of evolutionary biology, using animation, drawing, video and installation.
  • Amy Youngs [1 2 ]
  • Andrew K√∂tting, Giles Lane, Mark Lythgoe [1 2 3 ]
  • Andy Gracie [1 2 3 ]
  • Andy Lomas [1 ]
  • Artbiotics [1 ]
  • Antony Hall [1 2 ]
  • Genetic Architectures [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Aviva Rahmani [1 2 3 ]
  • Beatriz da Costa [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Bestiario (Santiago Ortiz, Jose Aguirre, Carolina Valejo, Andrés Ortiz) [1 2 3 4 5 ]
  • Betty Beaumont [1 2 ]
  • Bill Vorn [1 ]
  • Boryana Rossa [1 2] Bulgarian artist and curator from the group Ultrafuturo, working with biotechnology, robots, performance art and feminism.
  • Brandon Balleng√© [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Catherine Wagner [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Cynthia Verspaget & Adam Fiannaca [1 2 ]
  • Dmitry Bulatov [1 2 ]
  • Driessens & Verstappen [1 2 ]
  • Eduardo Kac [1 2 3 ]
  • France Cadet [1 2 3 ]
  • Biopresence (Georg Tremmel, Shiho Fukuhara) [1 2 ]
  • George Gessert [1 ]
  • Heather Ackroyd & Dan Harvey [1 2 ]
  • Joe Davis [1 2 3 4 5 ]
  • Justine Cooper [1 2 ]
  • Kathy High [1 2 3 ]
  • Ken Rinaldo [1 2 ]
  • Laura Cinti, Howard Boland (c-lab) [1 ]
  • Mark Cypher [1 ]
  • Marta de Menezes [1 ]
  • Mateusz Herczka [1 ]
  • Natalie Jeremijenko [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
  • Nell Tenhaaf [1 2 3 ]
  • Norman T White [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Paul Vanouse [1 2 3 4 ]
  • Paula Gaetano [1 ]
  • Peter Gena [1 2 ]
  • Philip Ross [1 ]
  • Polona Tratnik [1 2 ]
  • Sonya Rapoport [1 ]
  • Theo Jansen [1 2 ]
  • Victoria Vesna and James Gimzewski, in collaboration with Gil Kuno, Sarah Cross, Tyler Adams, Paul Wilkinson [1 ]
  • Croma kai Symmetria [1 ]
  • Green Museum [1 ]

Synthetic Biology

  • Specter, Micheal: A Life Of Its Own- Where Will Synthetic Biology Lead Us? The New York Times [Internet] 28 September 2009 [1]
  • Nature Magazine: [2] 15 November 2009
  • Neues aus der Stammzellenforschung:[3] 15 November 2009


General / Introduction




DIY Biology

Art & Design


some sources from from Kyd's presentation


  • Hakim Bey article - [4]
  • Zapatista Effect article - [5]
  • Public Netbase: Non Stop Future, New Practices in Art and Media, Published 2008, ISBN: 978-3-86588-455-8, Editors: Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić / New Media , [6]
  • Manuel Castells, 'The Rise of the Network Society - The Information Age Vol.1", Blackwell Publishers, Malden (Mass.), 1996
  • Ned Rossiter, Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam and the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2006. ISBN 90-5662-526-8 - [7]
  • INC books - [8]
  • Geert Lovink's publications - [9]
  • Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, Penguine books, 2008, ISBN 978-0-014-311494-9


  • Nettime Lists (listing of lists...) - [10]
  • Spectre - [11]
  • New Media Curating List - [12]
  • RohrPost - [13]
  • rhizome - [14]


  • Public Netbase - [15]
  • Public Netbase - [16]
  • Upgrade! - [17]
  • Upgrade! open wiki- [18]
  • Winter Camp - [19]
  • INC - [20]
  • Dorkbot - [21]
  • Pecha Kucha - [22]
  • Share - [23]
  • Monoskop (listing of networks, people and lists) - [24]
  • Transmediale - [25]



  • [26] Animation Gaia Theory