EKK:LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces: Difference between revisions

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* [[/YourName/]] (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)
* [[/YourName/]] (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)
===San Diego===
===San Diego===
* [[/YourName/]] (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)
* [[/MyName/]] (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)


Revision as of 18:31, 1 April 2013

Lecturers: Robin Minard, Miller Puckette, Katharina Rosenberger, Shahrokh Yadegari, Ludger Hennig, Max Neupert
Credits: 18 ECTS, 16 SWS
Date: Monday, 18:00 until 21:30 h (due to the time difference to San Diego)
Venue: Coudraystraße 13a, SeaM Werkstattstudio
First meeting: 15.04.2013


The sensation of space through spatialized sound may be influenced by sources that differ in their quality and quantity. Within this project, we will investigate ways to modify, expand or augment how space can be experienced through sound. The outcome may be, for instance, an electroacoustic composition, a simulation of spatial perception, sonic architecture or a set-design as a virtual or performative environment.

This project is the beginning of a long-term cooperation between the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University of California in San Diego. Partners in Weimar are Prof. Robin Minard and Ludger Hennig from the Studio for Electroacoustic Music (SeaM) and Max Neupert (Medial Environments). Partners in San Diego are Prof. Miller Puckette (Computer Music), Prof. Katharina Rosenberger (Music) and Prof. Shahrokh Yadegari (Theatre and Dance). Telematic classes will allow students from both faculties to work together. Classes will take place in Weimar in the evening, mid-morning in San Diego. The cooperation is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

German description

Die Wahrnehmung von Raum durch verräumlichten Klang, kann durch Klangquellen beeinflusst werden, welche sich in ihrer Qualität und Quantität unterscheiden. In diesem Projekt werden wir untersuchen, auf welche Art wir die Erfahrung von Raum durch den Klang verändern, erweitern oder verbessern können. Das Ergebnis kann beispielsweise eine elektroakustische Komposition, eine Simulation einer räumlichen Wahrnehmung, klangliche Architektur oder ein Bühnenbild als virtuelle oder performative Umgebung sein.

Dieses Projekt ist der Beginn einer langfristigen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Bauhaus-Universität und der Universität von Kalifornien in San Diego. Partner aus Weimar sind Prof. Robin Minard und Ludger Hennig vom Studio für Elektoakustische Musik (SeaM) und Max Neupert (Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen). Partner aus San Diego sind Prof. Miller Puckette (Computermusik), Prof. Katharina Rosenberger (Musik) und Prof. Shahrokh Yadegari (Theater und Tanz). Gemeinsamer Unterricht mit einer Videoverbindung wird es den Studierenden beider Universitäten ermöglichen, zusammen zu arbeiten. Der Unterricht wird in Weimar am Abend und vormittags in San Diego stattfinden. Die Zusammenarbeit wird vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) gefördert.


Admission requirements


Registration procedure

Please send your application by email with the Subject LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces to: max.neupert (at) uni-weimar.de

  • Name, Surname
  • program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
  • matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
  • Angabe der geltenden Prüfungsordnung
  • Valid email address @uni-weimar.de (no other mailing addresses will be accepted) Why?

Registration is not admission! We will conduct interviews. Details will be announced soon here.


Active participation, presentation, artistic examination, documentation, edits in the wiki.

Eligible participants

Undergraduates and graduates enrolled in the Faculties of Media, Gestaltung and in the MediaArchitecture program



  • Max
  • YourName (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)

San Diego

  • MyName (Take a look at above example and add yourself here)



  1. 04/01 Only in San Diego (Easter Monday is holiday in Germany; Robin, Ludger and Max join via Skype/Google+ Hangout) faculty presentations about technical means and/or artistic issues. Introduction to the wiki.
  2. 04/08 Only in San Diego – faculty resentations continued. Miller - Rasberry Pi as an audio and video platform. Shahrokh - Mugic protocol; video walls
  3. 04/15 First joint class
  4. 04/22 Robin, Ludger and Max are in San Diego
  5. 04/29
  6. 05/06
  7. 05/13
  8. 05/20
  9. 05/27 Only in Weimar (Memorial day in the U.S.)
  10. 06/03
  11. 06/10
  12. 06/17
  13. 06/24
  14. 07/01


Pd books:

  • Hillerson, Tony: Programming Sound with Pure Data: Make Your Apps Come Alive with Dynamic Audio ISBN 978-1-93778-566-6


Sending data over the network

  • OSC
  • netsend, netreceive. In Pd look at mrpeach and iemnet libraries
  • Mugic

Sending Audio and Video over the Internet

Intended for Communcation


Unidirectional only (aka streaming)

Intended for Performance/Creative Use

Performing Remotely