GMU:Urban Development Kit/Urban Space for Mind: Difference between revisions

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[[File:mind gap underground.jpg]]
[[File:mind gap underground.jpg]]
Proposing a series of actions to create scenarios where the urban space is transformed into a mindful space. Taking advice from cognitive psychology and some of it's recent 'mindfulness' training programs originally inspired by other Eastern meditative and contemplative practises, I try to bring different actions or happening to the urban space which facilitate the individuals need for mental calmness and awareness in an every busy and over stimulated environment. Stepping out of linear time and into the often overlooked present space of mind.

The first action taken: To take the London Underground Announcement recording 'Mind the gap' from 1969 and play it, out of context, in the streets of Weimar.  
The first action taken: To take the London Underground Announcement recording 'Mind the gap' from 1969 and play it, out of context, in the streets of Weimar.  
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Text Projections for the Bauhaus Library.  
Text Projections in Weimar to voice statements and views which are purposely ironically teasing.  

[[File:Library Science.jpg]]

Revision as of 12:09, 24 March 2014

Mind the Gap

Mind gap underground.jpg

Proposing a series of actions to create scenarios where the urban space is transformed into a mindful space. Taking advice from cognitive psychology and some of it's recent 'mindfulness' training programs originally inspired by other Eastern meditative and contemplative practises, I try to bring different actions or happening to the urban space which facilitate the individuals need for mental calmness and awareness in an every busy and over stimulated environment. Stepping out of linear time and into the often overlooked present space of mind.

The first action taken: To take the London Underground Announcement recording 'Mind the gap' from 1969 and play it, out of context, in the streets of Weimar.

When the phrase is out of context (not meaning between the platform and the station) any other, new meaning/s can be attributed to it.

My own reading of this iconic phrase out of context: Is that it asks us to pay attention to the gap BETWEEN thoughts. A way of meditation. The gap here being the space of awareness between mental activity, which, this space of awareness is always there, present, when there is thought and when there is no thought.

The phrase also reminds me of Aldous Huxley's last novel 'Island' 1962 where a Utopian, social experiment functions on an island called Pala. There, the community have trained Parrots to say 'Attention. Here and now, boys, here and now', a method of helping the people stay in the present moment. -

Others could take this in other directions, the gap between education and work or cultural gaps. Or physical gaps, like the one between the two libraries in Weimar...

In 1968 Peter Lodge, a Sound Engineer, recorded himself saying the phrase, after the original actor demanded royalties.

I recorded the audio of Peter Lodge saying the Phrase from this site:

After borrowing a portable Bose speaker from a friend (thank you very much Pia) I took to the street for an evening and a morning, for some test try outs.

Bose setup.jpg

First tests (shot on mobile phone)

Link below is to a playlist on youtube:

Next tests will be with a real camera. and bluetooth connection to speaker not cable, So that I can be hidden and film with an improved vantage point.

Research into Weimar's history needed, perhaps the Audio track should also change...

The Second Action Taken: A questionnaire with a human figure outlined and the text 'Where is your Mind? Please Draw where your mind is' was given to students to complete.

Where is your mind.jpg

The question itself is intentionally misleading, as there is not a location for the mind, because it is not a 'thing'. So to answer the question we usually reinterpret it as 'Where do you Experience your attention?', or 'Which part of your body are you most aware of?'. Musicians pointed toward the hands, many others included the heart, and the most common response was the head, or brain.

I would like to answer the Q: 'How can this information be make more interactive, more immersive? How can we let others feel or experience each others views on the relation between mind and body, mind and brain?

Mindraw scan 1 web.jpg

After scanning the responses, A sequence was made:

The beginning of: 'Video Feedback history research and artists who have made reference to the observer observing observation'

VF 21stC history web.jpg

First VF test:

Second VF test:

Conclusion: So far I have not developed anything new or different in this field. More study and time would be required.

Moving towards Dogmas of today. Everyone walks around with a world view painting their experience of the world around them. Yet they are not often publicly expressed (except for some extremists from all viewpoints) due to having to defend them with logic or reason, of fear of being misunderstood or alienated.

Can an interactive setting in the urban space be conceived that allows such anonymous sharing and mixing of the many world-views held by people today, so that an overview of the similarities, contradictions and misunderstandings be laid bare in a democratic way?

Below is a Program I have written that takes some of sciences dogmas today and by clicking your mouse you can mix up the original sentences by changing at random the Subject, descriptor and object, creating new dogmas, some that don't make compete grammatical sense. Yet.

'HTML code not displaying correctly.'

Text Projections in Weimar to voice statements and views which are purposely ironically teasing.
