GMU:Processing im Park/Katja Bliß/source7: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; int n = 9; AudioPlayer[] players = new AudioPlayer[n]; int[][] locations = { {95, 100, 20}, {115, 112, 20}, {126, 92, 20}, {193, 103, 2...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:17, 27 January 2016

import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;

int n = 9; AudioPlayer[] players = new AudioPlayer[n]; int[][] locations = {

 {95, 100, 20},
 {115, 112, 20},
 {126, 92, 20},
 {193, 103, 20},
 {230, 109, 20},
 {271, 118, 20},
 {330, 470, 20},
 {297, 272, 20},
 {182, 165, 20},
 {238, 142, 20},

int activeLocation = -1; PImage img;

void setup() {

 // init minim
 minim = new Minim(this);
 img = loadImage("Parkhoehle.png");
 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   players[i] = minim.loadFile("Parkhoehle_" + (i+1) + ".wav");

void draw() {

     image(img, 0, 0);
     fill(255, 150);
     // set dummy value for the active location 
     activeLocation = -1; 
     for(int i = 0; i < locations.length; i ++) {
       // get location triple
       int[] loc = locations[i];
       // assign variables
       int x = loc[0];
       int y = loc[1];
       int r = loc[2];
       // check if we are at the i'th location
       if(atLocation(x, y, r)) {    
         // set active loaction to the current location
         activeLocation = i;          
         // hilight the location    
         ellipse(x, y, 2*r, 2*r);  
   // check if the mouse is within radius r of location(x, y)
   boolean atLocation(int x, int y, int r) {
     return mouseX > (x - r) && mouseX < (x + r) && mouseY > (y - r) && mouseY < (y + r);
   void mousePressed() {
     // is the mouse hovering over one of the locations?
     if(activeLocation != -1) {
       // pause all players
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       // play the sound associated with the current location
       println("Sound number " + (activeLocation + 1));

   void keyPressed() {
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
     // get position of digit pressed ( '1' = 0, '2' = 1 ... '9' = 8 )
     int i = (key - '1');
     // check if we are in the valid range
     if (i >= 0 && i < n) {
       // play the respective sample
       println("Sound number " + (i + 1));