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Latest revision as of 21:11, 31 August 2015

Wellcome to my participant page!

My name is Oliver Hannemann. I am studying "Media Art and Media Design (MFA)" at the Bauhaus University in Weimar.

Follow me!

My Bots'n'Plots projects

My first animated Python "robot"


Grab the code at Pastebin


MoviePy F**k around


Grab the code at Pastebin


My first TwitterBot tweet


See the original here


Mid-Term EnjoyTheSilence-Bot


Grab the code and EnjoyTheSilence.txt text file at Pastebin

See the original here

This is a very basic text bot, that works down a text file. I was trying to make a scrape and poste bot following this tutorual but I got stuck at

    image_open = images[random.randint(0, len(images))-1]
IndexError: list index out of range


[Final] Kaleidobot

"I am a beauty bot. I bring love and joy. I invite you to get mesmerized. // Tweet an image at me and I will kaleidofy it for you!" – Kaleidobot

⎈ See Kaleidobot in action on Twitter ⎈

Kaleidobot is a Twitter bot. Tweet an image with the mention "@kaleidobot" and a few moments later Kaleidobot will reply to you with a kaleidofyed version of your original image. During the process it mirrors the image horizontally and vertically and increases the saturation. Pillow is being used for the image processing.

Here are some examples after the magic happened:

TPsDPuF.png . RWwHSip.png . E4jHpHc.png

Here you can see that @vj_astraal tweeted a picture and added "@kaleidobot" to his tweet. Kaleidobot replied withe the processed version of the image:


If you are interested in checking out the code or want to tweak around with it just grab the repository from GitHub here.

During the process the bot examples from Martin Schneider were really helpful to get started and to get a better feeling for tweepy and Pillow. Stackoverflow of course was a big help as well. Especially this post, to get a feeling how the mirroring process should work

Project Ideas

BILD Top Comment Twitter bot

  • Tweets the Top comment of Bild online articles that allow commenting
  • Goal is to display the opinion of the readers (top comment has been upvoted by community) to show how much work is still necessary in our society

CountR Twitter bot

  • this would be an upgrade of my Arduino based project "CountR" (watch demo on YouTube)
  • Goal would be to let the CountR tweet every 10min how many people it has counted

Contributed links


Twitter Bots

Courses I am taking this semester (SS15)