IFD:Designing Networked Objects/César Felipe Daher: Difference between revisions

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This prototype showed that the functions worked as intended, but showed some parts that would need corerction.
This prototype showed that the functions worked as intended, but showed some parts that would need correction. First of all, the delay between each search is quite high (10 seconds) which makes it tedious to watch. Second, there is a big delay between turning off a LED and lighting up the next, besides the 10 seconds gap. Finally, many of the commands were issued repeatedly because of repeated tweets.
By changing the delay between searches, I realized that the ideal delay is actually the default found in the library example: 20 seconds. Setting this value lower makes it more likely that the program will retrieve the same tweet repeatedly. On the other hand, I was able to modify the program structure to minimize the delay between LEDs lighting up. Though the device is not working fast, it is at least visually smooth.
For the next prototype, I want to work with a bigger matrix, and try to make the tweet search smoother and faster. Ideally, I would be able to only issue commands to the microcontroller with the arrival of a new tweet.