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*[[Interface Design]]
*[[Interface Design]]
**Kurse im WS 2019/20
**Kurse im SS 2020
**[[IFD:IntimateInterfaces|Intimate Interfaces: The Personal is Pervasive]]
**[[IFD:Printed Interfaces|Printed Interfaces]]'' (Werkmodul)
**[[IFD:Acoustic_Interfaces|Acoustic Interfaces]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Analog Circuits and Interfaces|Analog Circuits and Interfaces]]'' (Werkmodul)
**[[IFD:Photography and the Machine|Photography and the Machine]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Hoarder, Artist or Data Scientist?|Hoarder, Artist or Data Scientist?]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Prototyping for Doomsday|Prototyping for Doomsday]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Let's Connect!|Let's Connect!]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Designing Interactions: Prototyping Networked Things|Designing Interactions'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Designing Networked Objects|Designing Networked Objects]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Burn out, mess up! Electronic Fundamentals für Artists, Designers & Interface Designers|Burn out, mess up!'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Toy Story|Toy Story: Making things sense. Basics of Physical Computing]]'' (Fachmodul)
**[[IFD:Kolloq_SoS20|Kolloquium]] ''
**[[IFD:RandD|R&D: Advanced Prototype Research and Development Lab]]'' (Fachmodul als Blockmodul)
** [[IFD:CreativeHybridWeb|Creative Coding - Introduction to Hybrid Web Technologies]] ''(Bauhausmodul)
**[[IFD:Kolloq WS19|Kolloquium]] ''
