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I have committed to creating one ritual or action per week from now for the duration of the semester. I begin the practice of ritual making from an inexperienced and inhibited place. Making rituals and talking about spirituality makes me uncomfortable, but this is also exciting.  I feel clumsy and out of place and so somehow that means this is the right path. To begin this journey I am learning from Jane Batten and reading her book ''Power From Within: A feminist guide to ritual-making''.  She gives step be step instructions for crafting your own rituals including how to plan and structure a ritual, examples for each stage of the ritual and tips around specific ceremonies.   
I have committed to creating one ritual or action per week from now for the duration of the semester. I begin the practice of ritual making from an inexperienced and inhibited place. Making rituals and talking about spirituality makes me uncomfortable, but this is also exciting.  I feel clumsy and out of place and so somehow that means this is the right path. To begin this journey I am learning from Jane Batten and reading her book ''Power From Within: A feminist guide to ritual-making''.  She gives step be step instructions for crafting your own rituals including how to plan and structure a ritual, examples for each stage of the ritual and tips around specific ceremonies.   
Batten also touches on my thinking around ritual - the fears and the reasons to pursue a ritual practice. She talks about the general disapproval to terms like 'ritual', 'spirituality' and 'witch', the feeling that ritual is not real and is more a personal indulgence and the fear that ritual might actually unleash a power within us, all of which touch on the resistance I feel to inhabiting a more spiritual way of being. However she notes "it is no use working to change structures if we do not also change ourselves, a key point that resonates with my reasons for beginning this process. I also identified with her critique of white New Zealander's as "living in a spiritually bereft culture" calling for us to not appropriate the spirituality of the Maori people but to "address our own spiritual needs, evolving a sense of ritual that is relevant for ourselves, right here and now". This is the departure point for this project.
Batten also touches on my thinking around ritual - the fears and the reasons to pursue a ritual practice. She talks about the general disapproval to terms like 'ritual', 'spirituality' and 'witch', the feeling that ritual is not real and is more a personal indulgence and the fear that ritual might actually unleash a power within us, all of which touch on the resistance I feel to inhabiting a more spiritual way of being. However she notes "it is no use working to change structures if we do not also change ourselves, a key point that resonates with my reasons for beginning this process. I also identified with her critique of white New Zealander's as "living in a spiritually bereft culture" calling for us to not appropriate the spirituality of the Maori people but to "address our own spiritual needs, evolving a sense of ritual that is relevant for ourselves, right here and now". This is the departure point for this project.
'''Daphnia as living sensor'''
Daphnia otherwise known as water fleas are used in water quality testing, to detect contamination with hazardous compounds. The DaphniaToximeter II is in use in water testing facilities around Germany.
Daphnia are used a biological sensor, as a living sensor within a machine, however we could also monitor the health of naturally occuring Daphnia in  bodies of water to gauge the health of a river or lake.
I will develop a ritual to establish a connection with Daphnia here in the Ilm and perhaps to begin a practice of care, by checking in on them.
