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=Energetic Objects=
=Energetic Objects=

==How does One design an Utopia?==
A personal selection:

By asking this question the first step towards this goal has already been made. It takes a form of awareness to design an utopian world, since everyone has a different and subjective opinion.  
[[File:mythoughts.jpeg]] [[File:Sunmirror.jpeg]]
Utopia describes an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Although we may think this place is impossible to achieve, we are able to create moments in which perfection is felt, without having to move to a new planet.
[[File:LanzerotheCat.jpeg]] [[File:butterflyMask.jpeg]]
[[File:sunshineplant.jpeg]] [[File:PLANTSSSS.jpeg]]
[[File:altar.jpeg]] [[File:Ganesha.jpeg]]
==Why are we drawn to specific Objects?==
Some of the energy fingerprints we leave on objects and places are imprints that are very actively put there. By attaching special significance to certain places or things, we actually invest some of our energy into that location or object. Whether it´s done consciously or not, the more attention and emotion is focused on something, the deeper an impression is left.
==The energetic field of Gifts==
A gift reflects our affection for someone, which shows how much they mean to us, either just the thought of the gift or the meaning behind it. It builds a connection and strenghens the love that is shared.  
A gift is a reminder to another, of the thoughtfulness and time spend on making/ finding it, which gives it a powerful meaning. Gifting is a sense of excitement for both those giving and recieving. This emotion is forever hold in the object, which gives it a great sentimental value.
==Vibrational Matter==
The law of nature affirms that everything has a vibration. Since everything is made out of atoms, which are in a constant state of motion and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear as a solid, liquid or gas. Sound is a vibration and so are thoughts and the entire material world.
Vibration in quantum physicy means that „Everything is Energy, Energy is Everything!“
==Reading Energy==
Psychometry: is the ability to sense and read information through touch
Its a form of psychic energy reading for beginners, also known as Token – Object Reading

Here are some steps that help in the progress:
Psychometry is based on the idea that we leave behind resonating energy from our thoughts, actions and feelings on the object we come into contact with. People that are sensitive to energy would be able to read these vibrations.

*Take a moment to realize your surrounding at home
==How to practice Energy Reading==
*What is present that fulfills the purpose of feeling at home
*What makes it meaningful
*Become curious, there are no wrong answers
*Search within and on the outside
*How can One achieve inner piece and feel Love
*Which challenge is there to pursue, to grow towards a fulfilled life

Get prepared:
1. Choose a location that is quiet and as free of noises and distactions as possible
2. Sit in a realxed position with you eyes closed
3. Rub your hands together to get the energy flowing. That heat you create is a physical representation of flowing energy
4. Slowly pull your hands apart, not more than a few centimeters. You should get a feeling of energy flowing in between your hands. Some describe it as a ´thick´ feeling. If you can´t feel it, don´t worry, just keep moving your hands together to get the energy flowing until you do.
5. Rest your hands in your lap with you palms facing up.
6. With your eyes remaining closed, ask someone to place an object in your hands. The object should be an item that has been worn or used a lot. the person handing the object should remain silent.

==This project is an example of how the answers to these steps can look like:==
Read the object:
[[File:mythoughts.jpeg]] [[File:Sunmirror.jpeg]]
1. Make as much physical contact with object as possible.
2. Take calm and deep breaths.
3. As images and feelings come into your mind, speak them out loud. Don´t try to process the impressions you get. Say whatever you see, hear, feel or any other senses as you hold the object.
4. Don´t judge your impressions. The impressions may be strange and meaningless to you, but they might be a significance to the owner of the object. Also, some impressions might be vague and others might be quite detailed. It's good to simply observe all the impressions that come into your mind. Often the most unexpected images are likely to be most correct.
"The more you try the better you will become"

[[File:LanzerotheCat.jpeg]] [[File:butterflyMask.jpeg]]
==Would you treat a personal object differently, when it´s displayed and you are allowed to touch it consciously?==

[[File:sunshineplant.jpeg]] [[File:PLANTSSSS.jpeg]]

[[File:altar.jpeg]] [[File:Ganesha.jpeg]]

==Experiment with Sensor from Class==
==Experiment with Sensor from Class==
[[The Magnetic Hall Sensor]]
[[The Magnetic Hall Sensor]]