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(Added a Hogger Interface Workshop section)
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-> Moodle!
-> Moodle!
====== Hogger Interface Workshop [(27.11.2023) with Daniel Wessolek] ======
Sensors are great, but how do we collect their data? On the one hand, there is the classical data-logging approach of saving it all on e.g. a SD-card, on the other hand we can have on-the-fly data transmission over the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol to a client. Regardless of which way you prefer, in this workshop we will be working on the interface design of a new open hardware project going by the name of '''Hogger'''. To hog things is normally not considered polite, but the Hogger is an data-logger, so it is o.k. in this case.
We will split in groups to think collectively about concrete scenarios, how you would use the Hogger, what the specific interface for your usage scenario should look like, where and how you would attach it, deal with the weather, battery limitations etc.
Does it need a display for you purpose? How do you adjust the settings, the interval, or maybe the IP port? With a rotary encoder? Buttons? We will find out together!

====== Drawing examples for concepts ======
====== Drawing examples for concepts ======