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== 28.11.2011 Arduino & Processing sketches ==
=== III Potentiometer (Arduino) ===
<source lang="java">
* Here we connect a potentiometer (variable resistor) to
* the analog pin 3 of our Arduino to control the state
* of an LED connected to pin 13 and also to send the
* value via the serial connection to a processing sketch.
* The value we get from an analog pin is ranging from
* 0 to 1023 (10 Bit). In order to send it as one Byte
* (8 Bit) we have to scale the incomming value using
* the map() function.
* NOTE: You can use the same code for many different
* types of variable resistors (e.g. photo resistor,
* bend sensor, etc.)
* Frederic Gmeiner, 2011
// specify the pin numbers we are going to use:
int ledPin = 13;
int potiPin = 3;
// create a variable to hold the value from the poti:
int potiValue;
void setup(){
  // set the pin mode of the led pin to  act as an output:
  // establish a serial connection:
void loop(){
  // read the current value of the poti pin
  // and store it in the variable potiValue:
  potiValue = analogRead(potiPin);
  // if the value is over a certain threshold
  // (here it's 511 or the middle of the range),
  // turn the LED on, otherwise turn it off:
  if(potiValue > 511){
  // in oder to send the poti value as one byte (0-255)
  // we have to scale it from the original range (0 - 1023):
  int scaledVal = map(potiValue,0,1023,0,255);
  // send the scaled value via the serial port as a byte:
  // wait a little bit to not overload the serial buffer:
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=== III Potentiometer (Processing) ===
<source lang="java">
* Example of how to read incomming data
* from the serial connection.
* Frederic Gmeiner, 2011
// first we have to import the serial library:
import processing.serial.*;
// variable for our Serial object:
Serial myPort;
// variable to hold the incomming value
int incomingVal;
void setup(){
  // this line is very helpful to find out the name of the serial
  // port of your Arduino. It lists all available ports of your
  // computer. (Make sure that your arduino is connected to a USB
  // port before running this sketch)
  // make a new Serial object with the name of our current Arduino
  // port. NOTE: The name of the port is different for each Arduino
  // so we have to change it accordingly. On a windows system it is
  // called different like "COM3" or similar.
  myPort = new Serial(this,"/dev/tty.usbserial-A70061cx",9600);
void draw(){
  // only read from the serial port if there is new data
  // available and store this in the variable incommingVal: 
  while(myPort.available() > 0){
    incomingVal = myPort.read();
  // set the fill color to the incomming value:
  // draw a rectangle depending with the height of the
  // incomming value:
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