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1.Slime molds didn't grow out of my expectation in a dispersed way. They grew towards different directions in different time (from right side to left, and back to right ). The trails of growing became white from yellow, also they grow so fast and I didn't document all of the changes. Also they didn't form the shape as my expectation, so I would try to change the times of observation and documents.
2.There are some other bacteria inside breaking the pure of slime molds. Also I am not sure if the bacteria influenced the diffusion of slime molds
3.I tried use the tube with agar full of inside to grow slime molds. Unfortunately, slime molds were only alive around one piece of oat, and becoming sick 7days later. However, there is no other bacteria growing up! So I intend to use tube with smooth surface(The failed one is the tube with Agar rotated inside which is not smooth.) of Agar and grow slime molds to test what kind of shape will be formed in the tube space.
'''December 20th'''
[[File:Test on 20.12.jpg|300px]][[File:Tube 1.jpg|300px]][[File:Agar in Tube 1.jpg|300px]]