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5. Day. We started a Analization of our DNA. Means: gargle a sodium solution and then pipet a lot. I don´t know what and maybe even Miga does not really know. We follow the instruction. I think we seperated our DNA..
5. Day. We started a Analization of our DNA. Means: gargle a sodium solution and then pipet a lot. I don´t know what and maybe even Miga does not really know. We follow the instruction. I think we seperated our DNA..
This is a photo of my last experiment, 1 week later:
This is a photo of my last experiment, 1 week later:
I think it is contaminated, definetly too wet, says Miga.
6. While a PCR machine redoubles a part of our DNA, marked by a primer. Julian explains us the process (13). At first the machine heats up the small Eppis, our DNA double Helix splits up. The primer adopts to a special sequence, on each side one. „A primer is a short strand of RNA or DNA (generally about 18-22 bases) that serves as a starting point for DNA synthesis. It is required for DNA replication because the enzymes that catalyze this process, DNA polymerases, can only add new nucleotides to an existing strand of DNA. The polymerase starts replication at the 3'-end of the primer, and copies the opposite strand.” (Wikipedia).
Yes and then it cools the Eppi down and the nucleotides can be added to the strand. And this happens a lot of times (30 more or less) until there is enough to be analized.
Only the sequence between the beginning and end primer is being redoubled, that makes diffrent DNA´s comparable. At least parts of it. I think Julian brought us the primer that is used to seperate the part of the Helix that stores the information about our regional origin.
7. Today we wanted to use gel electrophoresis to compare and analize our DNA, but it didn´t work. We don´t know why.
8. We have to present our ideas.
Well i had a lot of worries. And yes not everything is really working how i thought, but i am still in the process.
9. 30.11.17  I met with Jan in the Lab, because he had a lot of PDA (Potatostarch-Dextrose-Agar) medium, he offered me to use for the first try.
I don´t have Photos of that Day, but here is, what came out a week later:
It was already contaminated (the little greenish dots) and began to roll up (in the upper right corner).
Miga and Maike said, the experiment failed, it is too dry. So i cut a stripe of it to try out the ironing theory. Wich i had already tried out with some dry mycelium Jan had gave me to experiment: