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'''<span style="color:#9ACD32"> HOW TO USE ko*ko*ro*mo...
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32"> HOW TO USE ko*ko*ro*mo...

I thought it would be nice to use ko*ko*ro*mo* mostly inside of the house.
ko*ko*ro*mo* is a allover green product, wich can be used for indoor vegetation in houses, flats, offices and sanitarian facilities.
On walls or floors, as carpets and wallpapers.
Because of it's genes it is very resistant,
you can attach it on almost every material such as cement, concrete, bricks, plaster, wood, plastic etc. with out beeing afraid your ko*ko*ro*mo might die off or drop down.

Because of their genes they should have the ability to...
Further more ko*ko*ro*mo has the ability to...

  --> create a comfortable indoor clima by regulation air moisture
  --> create a comfortable indoor clima by regulation air moisture
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  --> avoid allergic reactions by not producing any polls/spors
  --> avoid allergic reactions by not producing any polls/spors

Mainly Kokoromo should be used when you have problems in your flat or house because of high moisture and fungi cultivation.
Kokoromo should help to provied health risks like allergic reactions        (e.g. asthma, neurodemitis) occure through fungi.

'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">WHERE TO USE...
ko*ko*ro*mo is a non-poll plant!
Thats why it doesn't develop allergic reactions.
On the contrary it eats up harmfull bateria, polls, fungi and milb excrements,
so you don't need to suffer anymore because of allergic caused diseases
e.g. asthma, neurodemitis)and problems.
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">WHERE TO USE ko*ko*ro*mo...

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'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">HOW YOU CAN SAVE money, electricity, water etc.  
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">HOW YOU CAN SAVE money, electricity, water etc.  
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So and now...the important part^^

'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">HOW TO ATTACHE Kokoromo...
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">HOW TO ATTACHE ko*ko*ro*mo...


a) Kokoromo is delivered in a bag filled with a spore-powder.
ko*ko*ro*mo is delivered in a combi package, containing a canister with swamp-chalk-plaster-grounding and a spraybottle filled with a water, a liquid futilizer and the moss spores swimming in it.
    (like a sponge or powderpuff)
    The spores can be attached by tapping the puff and releasing the      
1) Decide were you want to attach the moss!
    powder against the walls/floors, prepaired with a special furtilizer glue.  
2) Hedge other parts of your home by using adhesive tape!
    And after that you can irrigate with a watersponge.
3) Apply the swamp-chalk grounding with a paint brush and let it become touch dry!
    Problem: A lot of different stuff is needed,
  4) Spray your moss-spore-solution on the grounded area!
            which will may be cause a higher price.
5) Finished! you need to wait know till ko*ko*ro*mo grows!
Important Information:
Through the furtilizer in your moss-solution you don't need any extra water to provide the growth of ko*ko*ro*mo.
While growing the spores attach themselfs with the tiny pores of the wall 
material through their roots.
So there is no glue or something else needed.
Every plant needs time to grow. Even the fats grwoing ko*ko*ro*mo.
The full moss growth takes about 3 to 4 weeks, according to
the content of moisture in the air.  

b) Kokoromo is delivered in spraybottle filled with a liquid futilizer and 
    the moss spores swimming in it.
    The liquid can be sprayed on the walls directly without using glue.
    Through the furtilizer you don't need any water.
    While growing the spores attach themselfs with the tiny pores of the wall 
    material through their roots.
    Problem: You can hardly attach the spores to poreless material like glass.
            And you would need special techniques to remove the moss from
            the materials when you like to leave the flat.
            That causes time and money.

c) Kokoromo is delivered as a spraybottle and with a textile membran.
    The membran can be clutched with wires and hooks, where ever you need it.
    After attaching, the membran can be soaked with the spore-furtilizer-
    solution. So the moss do not directly grow on the walls.
    Problem: You need extra material like membrans, wires and hooks.
            Causes much more costs.
            You need to glue or fix the hooks in your walls/floors,
            so there will be wholes left if you want to dispose the moss.
            And it wouldn't take the moisture direct out of the walls,
            if is needed.
d) Kokoromo is delivered as a convenience product in form of a moss mat.
    The moss mat can be ordered at the lab's in the size and form you like,
    and after that the moss will be grown for you.
    If your moss is delivered you decide wether you want to attach
    it on your walls by yourself or by special service,
    with special hooks, frames or with furtilizer glue.
    Problem: The special attachment systems and the growing in the labs,
            will lead to special costs.
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">FAQ for Kokoromo
'''<span style="color:#9ACD32">FAQ for Kokoromo

Revision as of 03:34, 2 June 2010




WHAT MEANS/WHAT IS ko*ko*ro*mo...

ko*ko*ro*mo is a word composition consisting of...

...the (jap.) kokoro:

"Originally, kokoro referred to the beat of the heart, which was considered to be the essential organ of life and the source of all activities. By extension, kokoro refers to all human activities affecting the outside world through intention, emotion, and intellect."

...and the word moss

ko*ko*ro*mo as a name should reflect a new kind of lifing. Combining both body and soul experiences through working/contact with genetic engineered natural products in the future.

ko*ko*ro*mo is...a new species of moss genetically engineered by using 4 different kinds of natural occuring mosses.

Pleurozia purpurea
Grimmia pulvinata 
Sagina subulata 
Tortula ruralis 

In special laboratories we are searching day and night for the DNA bricks with the best abilities you can find in moss cells. Only like that we can provide ko*ko*ro*mo with special genetical material to make it more resistant and useable for indoor vegetation!


research & collecting of DNA bricks

Moss4.4.gif Pleurozia purpurea - eating small creatures and bacteria

Moss3.3.gif‎ Grimmia pulvinata - living in cities on cement and concrete

Moss2.2.gif Sagina subulata - crush resistant and temperatur insensitiv

Moss1.jpg Tortula ruralis - survives dry periods over long time


arraging of DNA bricks to one-in-all ko*ko*ro*mo

HOW TO USE ko*ko*ro*mo...

ko*ko*ro*mo* is a allover green product, wich can be used for indoor vegetation in houses, flats, offices and sanitarian facilities. Because of it's genes it is very resistant, you can attach it on almost every material such as cement, concrete, bricks, plaster, wood, plastic etc. with out beeing afraid your ko*ko*ro*mo might die off or drop down.

Further more ko*ko*ro*mo has the ability to...

--> create a comfortable indoor clima by regulation air moisture
--> keep your house and yourself clean by eating up 
    harmful fungi, bacteria, mite excrements, cornestible leftovers and dust
--> keep your house dry by absorbing high amounts of spare water 
    (help by floods, stuctural damage or in territories with high air moisture)
--> insulate housewalls from the outside and inside to keep houses warm
--> exude light scents to refresh your home
--> decorate and vegetate your home for a cozy green lifing style
--> avoid allergic reactions by not producing any polls/spors


ko*ko*ro*mo is a non-poll plant! Thats why it doesn't develop allergic reactions.

On the contrary it eats up harmfull bateria, polls, fungi and milb excrements, so you don't need to suffer anymore because of allergic caused diseases e.g. asthma, neurodemitis)and problems.

WHERE TO USE ko*ko*ro*mo...


as carpets e.g. under your dining table


in your garbage can to absorb leftover food particles


as towels e.g. in your kitchen and in bath room


as insulate material for your house walls from the outside/inside


as wall decoration and as replacement for tilings, wallpapers, plaster

But also...

as doormats e.g. in your hallways and at entrance

as coating for rooms e.g. in your cellar or hyginic areas (bath, sauna, swimmingpool)


HOW YOU CAN SAVE money, electricity, water etc.

--> by not using a vacuum cleaner anymore,
    because your moss absorbes dirt and bacteria
--> by not washing any towels,
    because your moss towel replacement and absorbes water
--> by not actuate your radiator on a high level,
    because your moss insulates the warmth in winter
--> by not need expensive house drying and repairing arrengments,
    because your moss drys your house if needed

HOW TO ATTACHE ko*ko*ro*mo...


ko*ko*ro*mo is delivered in a combi package, containing a canister with swamp-chalk-plaster-grounding and a spraybottle filled with a water, a liquid futilizer and the moss spores swimming in it.

1) Decide were you want to attach the moss!
2) Hedge other parts of your home by using adhesive tape!
3) Apply the swamp-chalk grounding with a paint brush and let it become touch dry!
4) Spray your moss-spore-solution on the grounded area!
5) Finished! you need to wait know till ko*ko*ro*mo grows!

Important Information:

Through the furtilizer in your moss-solution you don't need any extra water to provide the growth of ko*ko*ro*mo.

While growing the spores attach themselfs with the tiny pores of the wall material through their roots. So there is no glue or something else needed.

Every plant needs time to grow. Even the fats grwoing ko*ko*ro*mo. The full moss growth takes about 3 to 4 weeks, according to the content of moisture in the air.

FAQ for Kokoromo

1) What should I do, if I want to move to another house/flat?

2) Does Kokoromo grow? And if YES, do I need to cut it?

3) Can Kokoromo dry out? What should I do when I go on holidays?

4) Can it repair itself, when Kokoromo has no spores?

5) How I need to irrigate my moss?

Yeah at first ....thats it. Please feel free to discuss with me. I am not really sure about some stuff, especially the 'HOW TO USE'.

So please write, write, write!

--Wawa 23:07, 22 May 2010 (UTC)


I will put here some nice links to homepages about moss! Please feel free to add and suggest new stuff, if you found something.

Ahhhh and I just found out, the science of mosses is called 'bryology'! So check it out ^^

Local moss species

(engl.)introduction and overview

(engl.)scriptarchive by University of Bonn

(engl.)database and botanical collection by University of Michigan

(ger./engl.)picture collection of mosses

(engl.)international association of bryology

--Wawa 16:50, 22 May 2010 (UTC)

Hey Fellows, here comes my project for synbio!

After my small excursion to the world of plankton and algae, I now at last decided to return to my first project idea: the moss! for indoor vegetation!

Because as I red, moss is after all very closely related to the green algae *also called chlorophyceae* wich is living in fresh water.

So it really suggested itself to me by overlapping the two topics.


To give you an overview on my previous work, I put my two .pdf on dropbox so you can download them whenever you like.

But you can put your own synbio stuff up also.

I hope everyone got the dropbox mail from me? Because I think you need to register with your E-Mailaccount on the mail-distributionlist from synbio.

Please give short response, if it is working or not. Thanx :D

--Wawa 16:50, 22 May 2010 (UTC)


Hello Vanessa, one issue you should also consider is time. As biological processes are usually not that fast, especially with plants, to grow, but also to process, all the different applications you want to confront them with. And by the way: You did a good job on setting up your wiki page. Way to go! And put up some of your illustrations.
--sebastian 13:32, 26 May 2010 (UTC)

Hi, Vanessa. Thank you for the comment of my project.You can check my response on my page. My Flower
And I got the mail from dropbox.

I really like your idea to take plant as one functional part of our house.
But I still have 2 questions:
Out of their natural growing environment, if the Kokoromo can get enough energy supply at our homes?
And will it also be a residence of bacterias?

About how to apply it to our home.I like the second idea better.I think you can make the liquid fertilizer gel like, so they can be pull off the wall later, like some masks. I don't think there is problem with glass. Because I don't think people will cover their window with some unmovable stuff. But if you really want to apply it to smooth surface, I think people can spry something to the surface, after drying, it will be rough, which is good to grow kokkoromo.
Also, I think maybe you can make Kokoromo wall paper, which is convenience to use or remove. But it may need help form wall paper worker.


  • What should I do, if I want to move to another house/flat?
 In some case, you can move the Kokoromo along with you, if you need.But it
 Depends on how you applied it. In other case, the Kokoromo company can recycle 
 them for you.
  • Can it repair itself, when Kokoromo has no spores?
 There is supplement of spores. You can use it over the existed area of 
 Kokoromo if needed. 
  • How I need to irrigate my moss?
 Depends on the humidity and temperature of your living area, you may need to 
 irrigate your Kokoromo somehow. 

That's what I thought about your Project!I think it's already quite good!
And I like its name~

--Yu Xiaorui 12:32, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

Don't know whether to post this or not, but there were some things flashing through my head. Like it or delete it :)

--Sebastian (W.) 20:47, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

Nice links, Sebastian! You could also add them to our Bioart linklist. Oops, I just did :)
--sebastian 13:19, 26 May 2010 (UTC)