PDCON:Schedule: Difference between revisions

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|10:00 - 14:00
|Transfer Weimar~Berlin [[/Coach transfer|Sign up here]]
|Transfer Weimar~Berlin [[/Coach transfer|Sign up here]]
|17:00 - 20:00 or 18:00 - 20:30
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|Pd meeting “Show you patch” #1]]
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|Pd meeting “Show you patch” #1]]
Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show '''YOUR''' patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...  
Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show '''YOUR''' patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...  

[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]
[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/N.K.|N.K.]]</small>
|22:00 - ...  
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Concert #1|Concert with selected works]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Ed Kelly|Ed Kelly: Synchroma Was a Broken String]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Alexandre Porres|Alexandre Porres: Something Stuck in My Throat]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Paloma Oliveira, Jaime Lobato|Paloma Oliveira, Jaime Lobato: La grand Pelea]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Jinyao Lin|Jinyao Lin: Tracks]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Anela Takac|Anela Takac: Video Organ]]
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Concert #1|Concert with selected works]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Ed Kelly|Ed Kelly: Synchroma Was a Broken String]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Alexandre Porres|Alexandre Porres: Something Stuck in My Throat]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Paloma Oliveira, Jaime Lobato|Paloma Oliveira, Jaime Lobato: La grand Pelea]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Jinyao Lin|Jinyao Lin: Tracks]]<br />[[PDCON:Concerts/Anela Takac|Anela Takac: Video Organ]]<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/LEAP|LEAP]]</small>
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===Sunday 14. Aug. 2011===
===Sunday 14. Aug. 2011===
{|align="left" {{Prettytable}}
{|align="left" {{Prettytable}}
|14:00 - 17:00
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|Pd meeting “Show you patch” #2]]
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|Pd meeting “Show you patch” #2]]
Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show '''YOUR''' patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...  
Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show '''YOUR''' patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...  

[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]
[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Pd meetings “Show you patch” @N.K.|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/N.K.|N.K.]]</small>
|18:00 - 20:00
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Sketch pages collective improvisation|Sketch pages collective improvisation]]
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Sketch pages collective improvisation|Sketch pages collective improvisation]]
A collective live-coding improvisation on foreign terrain - with '''YOUR''' participation.
A collective live-coding improvisation on foreign terrain - with '''YOUR''' participation.

[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Blanc sketch pages collective improvisation|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]
[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Blanc sketch pages collective improvisation|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/LEAP|LEAP]]</small>
|22h-open end
|22:00 - open end
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Late night open improvisation marathon|Late night open improvisation marathon]]
|[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Late night open improvisation marathon|Late night open improvisation marathon]]
Bring anything '''YOU''' want and can do - audio, video, sensors, ... -, and join in the group. Take an empty slot, and improvise for a while; leave for a drink and give your place to someone else; and so on and so on, until it's morning again.
Bring anything '''YOU''' want and can do - audio, video, sensors, ... -, and join in the group. Take an empty slot, and improvise for a while; leave for a drink and give your place to someone else; and so on and so on, until it's morning again.

[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Late night open improvisation marathon|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]
[[PDCON:Berlin-events#Late night open improvisation marathon|INFO AND REGISTRATION]]<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/LEAP|LEAP]]</small>
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===Monday 15. Aug. 2011===
===Monday 15. Aug. 2011===
{|align="left" {{Prettytable}}
{|align="left" {{Prettytable}}
|12:00 - ...
For who might still be awake from the previous night, or whoever might want to join in after having had some sleep.
For who might still be awake from the previous night, or whoever might want to join in after having had some sleep.<br /><small>[[PDCON:Venues/LEAP|LEAP]]</small>


Revision as of 19:40, 3 August 2011


Conference Panels
Workshops Workshops exclusive for Bauhaus Summer School Sign up here(€!)
Berlin events (13th and 14th)

Not included in the schedule: Exhibition

Sunday 07. Aug. 2011

18:30 - 20:30 opening ceremony and reception of the Bauhaus-Summer School
Auditorium maximum, university library Steubenstraße 6

Monday 08. Aug 2011

10:30 - 12:30 coffee, welcome reception, registration
DPCON:Venues/Marienstraße 18 - Café
13:00 - 15:00 Data Structures
João Pais
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Xth Sense, Biophysical Music
Marco Donnarumma
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
Pd for beginners
Chun Lee
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:30 RjDj
Frank Barknecht
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Xth Sense, Biophysical Music
Marco Donnarumma
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
Build your own USB-MIDI-Interface for Pd
Felix Krüger, Felix Pfeifer & Georg Werner
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
17:30 - 19:00 dinner break
19:00 - 22:30 Words of welcome, Keynote by ao.Univ.Prof. DI Winfried Ritsch
Chikashi Miyama: Black Vox
Endphase-João Pais, Alberto C. Bernal, Enrique Tomás: Endphase 18-2 “Mixed Cities”
Thomas Grill: Points of View
Tim Vets: Extended Guitar Duo
Platz der Demokratie, Fürstenhaus Fürstensaal

Tuesday 09. Aug. 2011

Topic: Spatialisation, General

09:30 - 10:00 Self-replication: how to do more using less
Krzysztof Czaja
Auditorium B
A Pd framework for the Xth Sense: enabling computers to sense human kinetic behaviour
Marco Donnarumma
Auditorium A
10:00 - 10:30 Dynamic Time Warping for Pure Data
Pedro Lopez and Joaquim Jorge
Auditorium B
Self-Modifying Help Patches
Mathieu Bouchard
Auditorium A
10:30 - 11:00 coffee break
11:00 - 11:30 Electro-Acoustic Tools (EAT): High-Level Abstractions for Audio Manipulation and Spatialisation
Richard Thomas
Auditorium B
Using Pure Data in Spore and Darkspore - successes and failures
Kent Jolly
Auditorium A
11:30 - 12:00 Custom Spatialisation PD Patch for a Large Non-conventional Area
José Rafael Subía Valdez
Auditorium B
Music in expression - A DSP based compositional methodology
Chun Lee
Auditorium A
12:00 - 13:00 lunch break
13:00 - 15:00 Data Structures
João Pais
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Laptop Orchestera
Quim Llimona, John O'connell, William Goutfreind, Alex Barrachina
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
excursion to
Fraunhofer IDMT Ilmenau
approx. 15 seats available: more info & sign up
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:30 RjDj
Frank Barknecht
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Build your own USB-MIDI-Interface for Pd
Felix Krüger, Felix Pfeifer & Georg Werner
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
17:30 - 19:00 dinner break
19:00 - 20:00 Opening of the Exhibition
Tad Bisaha, Sitan Adele K: Rock-Art2noise
Nietzsche Gedächnishalle
Welcome Party Bauhaus Summer School
Geschwister Scholl Str. 8, Campus
Hint: free food and drinks
20:00 - 22:00 Koray Tahiroğlu: Live Audio Cues
Hsin-jen Wang: Moving Resonance
Eduardo Flores Abad: Poder y Resistencia
Marco Donnarumma: Music for Flesh II < PdCon 2011 >
Cyrille Henry, Nicolas Montgermont: Egregore
Cudraystraße SeaM Werkstattstudio

Wednesday 10. Aug. 2011

Topic: General, Tools

09:30 - 10:00 A collaboration workflow from sound-based composition to performance of electroacoustic music using Pd as a framework
Kyriakos Tsoukalas
Auditorium B
AUDIENCE for Pd, a scene-oriented library for spatial audio
Regis Faria
Auditorium A
10:00 - 10:30 GUI Plugins in Pd 0.43
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Auditorium A
10:30 - 11:00 coffee break
11:00 - 11:30 Voice as joystick and oscillator
Miller Puckette
Auditorium A
11:30 - 12:00 Plug your cam - extending Gem the modular way
IOhannes zmölnig
Auditorium A
12:00 - 13:00 lunch break
Katja Vetter: Instant Decomposer
13:00 - 15:00 Projection Mapping
Ricardo Palmieri
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Regis Faria
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
DIY electronic music using Visual Tracker
Bérenger Recoules
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:30 Universal Polyphonic Player
Thomas Grill
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Chikashi Miyama
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
pmpd for Beginners
Cyrille Henry
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
17:30 - 19:00 dinner
21:00 - 23:00 Oscar Martin (Noish): Eetz
Richard Graham: Axon
Quim Llimona, John O'connell, William Goutfreind, Alex Barrachina: Barcelona Laptop Orchestra
Goetheplatz 12, Radio Lotte

Thursday 11. Aug. 2011

Topic: Embeded,Tools

09:30 - 10:00 Embedding Pure Data with libpd: Design and workflow
Peter Brinkmann
Auditorium B
Dissonance model toolbox in Pure Data
Alexandre Porres
Auditorium A
10:00 - 10:30 An Exploration on Mobile Interfaces with Adaptive Mapping Strategies in Pure Data
Koray Tahiroğlu
Auditorium B
A Framework for Real-time Instrumental Sound Segmentation and Labeling
Adriano Monteiro
Auditorium A
10:30 - 11:00 coffee break
11:00 - 11:30 rj - abstractions for getting things done
Frank Barknecht
Auditorium B
Reverb Design
Urban Schlemmer
Auditorium A
11:30 - 12:00 VisualTracker – Modular Pd Environment for sequencing events on the timeline
Aleš Černý
Auditorium B
Using Pd to create a visualization instrument for percussion
John Harrison
Auditorium A
12:00 - 13:00 lunch break
Alexander Senko: Acoustic Images
13:00 - 15:00 libpd für Android
Peter Brinkmann
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
DIY electronic music using Visual Tracker
Bérenger Recoules
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
GEM Introduction
IOhannes Zmölnig
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:30 pmpd Advanced
Cyrille Henry
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Chikashi Miyama
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
Spectral Analysis
Alexandre Porres
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
17:30 - 19:00 dinner for all participants at the Schießhaus
19:00 - 21:00 Moritz Schell, Frederic Seybicke: Listen How It Looks Like
Dan Wilcox: Robot Cowboy
Onyx Ashanti: Beatjazz

Friday 12. Aug. 2011

Topic: Audiovisual, Tools

09:30 - 10:00 Image Processing Algorithm Optimization with CUDA for Pure Data
Rudi Giot, Jacques Tichon and Abilio Rodrigues
Auditorium B
A Live Performance System in Pure Data: Pitch Contour as Figurative Gesture
Richard Graham
Auditorium A
10:00 - 10:30 GPU audio signals processing in Pd, and PDCUDA, an implementation with the CUDA runtime API
Charles Henry
Auditorium B
Pure Data implementation of an ESS-based impulse response acoustic measurement tool
Serafino Di Rosario and Katja Vetter
Auditorium A
10:30 - 11:00 break
11:00 - 11:30 Extended View Toolkit
Peter Venus
Auditorium B
Click Tracker: Performance/composition tool for metrically complex scores
João Pais and Pedro Lopes
Auditorium A
11:30 - 12:00 Gemnotes: A Realtime music notation system for pure data
Edward Kelly
Auditorium B
DILIB: Control Data Parsing for Digital Musical Instrument Design
William Brent
Auditorium A
12:00 - 13:00 lunch break
13:00 - 15:00 libpd for iOs
Peter Brinkmann
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
GEM Advanced
IOhannes zmölnig
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
Pd for beginners
Frank Barknecht
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
15:00 - 15:30 break
15:30 - 17:30 libpd for open frameworks
Dan Wilcox
Marienstraße 7b - room 102
Cyrille Henry
Marienstraße 7b - room 201
Spectral Analysis
Alexandre Porres
Marienstraße 7b - room 204
17:30 - 19:00 dinner
19:00 - 20:00 Round Table Session I
20:00 - 20:20 Presentation Robert Wechsler
20:30 - 21:30 Round Table Session II

Saturday 13. Aug. 2011

10:00 - 14:00 Transfer Weimar~Berlin Sign up here
17:00 - 20:00 or 18:00 - 20:30 Pd meeting “Show you patch” #1

Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show YOUR patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...


22:00 - ... Concert with selected works
Ed Kelly: Synchroma Was a Broken String
Alexandre Porres: Something Stuck in My Throat
Paloma Oliveira, Jaime Lobato: La grand Pelea
Jinyao Lin: Tracks
Anela Takac: Video Organ

Sunday 14. Aug. 2011

14:00 - 17:00 Pd meeting “Show you patch” #2

Just like a normal Pd meeting, let people meet and start communicating. Show YOUR patches to others, make questions, talk, have a drink, ...


18:00 - 20:00 Sketch pages collective improvisation

A collective live-coding improvisation on foreign terrain - with YOUR participation.


22:00 - open end Late night open improvisation marathon

Bring anything YOU want and can do - audio, video, sensors, ... -, and join in the group. Take an empty slot, and improvise for a while; leave for a drink and give your place to someone else; and so on and so on, until it's morning again.


Monday 15. Aug. 2011

12:00 - ... Brunch

For who might still be awake from the previous night, or whoever might want to join in after having had some sleep.

Kreativfonds Bauhaus-Univeristät WeimarElectronic Arts Blog für digitale SpielkulturThe Mozilla FoundationAllied Vision TechnologiesFreistaat ThüringenBauhaus-Universität WeimarHochschule für Musik Franz Liszt WeimarFraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMTStadt WeimarKlassik Stiftung WeimarNKFaculty of MediaStudio for electro-acoustic MusicKulturTragWerk e.V.Elektronisches Studio der TU BerlinMaschinenraum Hackerspace WeimarRadio Lotte WeimarSponsors and partners of the 4th internationals Pure Data Convention in Weimar 2011

4th international Pure Data Convention 2011 Weimar ~ Berlin