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Thread Geometries

This is the starting point for a kit that allows to visualize geometric forms by using thread (along with some other things).


- camera with "B" mode
- tripod
- wooden plate
- some screwable hooks
- button battery
- piece of paper
- clamp
- two magnets
- a transparent plastic bowl
- thread

Aufbau Thread1 1.png

Aufbau Thread1 2.png

Aufbau Thread1 3.png

How to use it:

1. Screw in as many hooks as you like
2. Insert a certain length of thread
3. Connect the LED, the button battery and the clamp
4. Put the plastic bowl above the installation and put the magnets in place
5. Set up the camera, darken the room, push the trigger and move the upper magnet!

Licht Thread1 1.png

Licht Thread1 2.png

Licht Thread1 3.png

Computation and Communication with Knots

This "machine" is capable of two things:
- it can help the user to conduct simple (and complex - if developed further) calculations and
- it can be used as a communication tool for two people by translating messages in a kind of morse code


- Wood (left overs)
- two pieces of threaded rod
- two 3D printed wheels
- a ball bearing that fits to the threaded rod
- and thread

3D knots1.jpg

3D knots2.jpg

3D knots print.png

How to use it:

1. Use the winder to make the knots scratch the thin plastic plate
2. Wind the thread until the red section crosses the thin plastic plate
3. Move the winder forward to add "knot-scratches"
4. Move the winder backward to subtract "knot-scratches"
5. Enter your calculation
6. Wind back to the red mark and count the "scratches"-
they represent the result of your calculation!

Knot Calculator.png


This "braiding board" is an experimenting platform for different braiding techniques.
Its level of complexity can be modified by changing different parameters.
It consists of five "thread ports"and "thread gaps", forty interchangeable "spacers"and fifty "spacer slots".


- Wood (left over)
- five pieces of thread
- forty wooden dowels
- and five screwable rings

Thread cont board.jpg

How to use it:

1. Define your setting: plug the spacers in / out
2. Insert each thread into a ring
3. Think of an algorithm / a braiding technique / your experiment
4. Note: the order of the threads in the "clipboard" (bottom of the board) makes a big difference
5. Start braiding!

Some first experiments:

Thread knots complex.jpg
Producing knots

Thread linedup.jpg
Coincidental synchronization-algorithm: all threads end up in the same place

Thread complex.jpg
Complexity + knots by following the "clipboard" order and a simple algorithm: left, right, ...


How can we visualize or encode networks in a different way than we are used to ?

This sketch is a proposal to transform networks and their different parameters by shaping braids / thread patterns.
It is not predictable that random braid configurations evolve into proper braid structures that can exist without any outer support.
Therefore the "machine" above ("braiding") shall be used to set up a thread-path that does not fall apart easily.

The structure of the transformation is defined by several parameters that represent different properties of the network.

- the network could visualize trading routes between cities
- the colors could then represent different goods, for instance: yellow = red pedal boats
- A,B,C and D represent the nodes of the network. In this case they could represent the cities.
- the amount of goods can be represented by the location of a color inside the four squares of A,B,.. counted from left to right.
If the second square of A is yellow than this could mean that city A has 200 paddle boats.
- now, a match of the colors AND the locations of the colors inside of A,B,C or D means that those two or more cities (nodes) exchange goods (are connected).
In this example: A and B's second squares are yellow -> those two cities trade 200 paddle boats.
- if there is no match then there is no connection.

The "braids" and the network drawings can be infinitely translated into each other.

Network colorstrings.jpg

Levers and Cranes

This is LALALA

3Dplate sketchpaper1.jpg 3Dplate sketchpaper1 1.jpg

3Dplate sketchpaper3 1.jpg 3Dplate sketchpaper3.jpg

File:Kran thrad.png