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there is also an idea that use a big branch looks like human’s arm  
there is also an idea that use a big branch looks like human’s arm  


模型结构part:电机 绳子 细节 实验图
模型结构part:电机 绳子 细节 实验图


Revision as of 05:55, 31 March 2018

Interactive Botanic art

Description of idea :Just as you become accustomed to the equipment around you, and just as you’re able to make something momentarily perfect out of it, the seasons change, you grow some more, and the cycle starts again. It’s a beautiful process, and how to capture this momentary beauty, to create some thinking out of it, to give people some feeling about it.

  • An botanic installations, show reaction to people's movement.
  • Focused on to amplify the relation between human and nature.
  • Approach :physical installations that sense the participants and create reactions.

As each participant come closer to the plants, their movement are sensed and cause minor impact on the movements of these plants, hopefully creating the feeling that there is life inside this botanic installations and they are breathing、trembling or rotating because of sensing the participants, like they are telling a story. By using natural plants and create a botanic installation, the intended outcome is

  • a mechanism to control the plants and have them connected with fabric.
  • using multiple sensors to detect participant's movements
  • present minor reactions to participants.

What kind of story will the participants feel from them?

Artist lab 示意图.001.jpeg Artist lab 示意图.002.jpeg Artist lab 示意图.003.jpeg Artist lab 示意图.004.jpeg

Further links: Anya Gallaccio preserve ‘beauty’ T11829 298661 10.jpg

preserve ‘beauty’ is an installation work composed of bright red flowers arranged in four adjacent rectangular compositions underneath large panes of clear glass. The flowers are presented in a single layer with their heads facing out towards the viewer, and their stalks are positioned downwards, so that the lower edge of each panel features a band of green made up of the stems of the bottom row of flowers. The type of flower used in the installation is a hybrid between a gerbera and a daisy that is known by the name ‘beauty’. During the period in which preserve ‘beauty’ is displayed, the flowers wither and die, and this decay process is visible to viewers through the glass. Due to the shrinkage of the flowers as they rot, the glass panels require adjustment over the period of display, and the dead flowers often fall out of the glass and decompose further on the floor. Viewers experience the installation through their sense of smell, as well as visually: they encounter either the smell of the flowers when they are fresh or their rotting odour as they decay, depending on the amount of time that has lapsed since the work was put on display.


Use the natural shape of plants to convey the feelings.



Currently I am still at the stage of experimenting arduino kits, the ideas are: Ultrasonic sensor: Detecting on visitors‘ distance from 10cm- 100cm Servo: playing the movement of open and close and this creates reaction to human. Sound sensor:Detecting noises and send signals to the motor. The following picture shows some code to motivate the servo, there may need more servos in the following steps to create better movements.


Possible Materials:


IMG 3114.jpg

1.09 Inspiration part: 老师发的动物图




1.23 草图part2 : 无数草图 动态图 The attempt is to do some experiments with bio material , see if we combining mechanism with plants branches, would the outcome be to any extend exciting, or would it seems like human communicating to plants.

The scale is well considered, it should be approximately as human scales. So it’s a problem to control such big installation.

After several times trying to build the model.

there is also an idea that use a big branch looks like human’s arm

DrawIMG 0955.JPG BioIMG 0962.JPG

2.05 模型结构part:电机 绳子 细节 实验图

BioIMG 0956.jpg BioIMG 0959.JPG BioIMG 0960.jpg BioIMG 0963.JPG Bota-1.jpgBota-2.jpegBota-3.jpegBota-4.jpegOta-5.jpg

2.17 最终草图part3:

3.12 Arduino线路图 电路细节

Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.08.02 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.08.22 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.08.31 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.08.49 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.09.07 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.09.15 PM.png Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 11.09.33 PM.png


Below: The Code for controlling the motor's speed and direction, via the ultrasonic sensor. The sensor outputs a range of distance values, and by continuously detecting the distance it can predict the mode of visitor's movement.

int SNUM[3] ;//定义3个传感器,从SNUM[0]-SNUM[2]为从左到右3个红外避障传感器
int INA = 4; //电机A正反转控制端
int PWMA = 5; //电机A调速端
int INB = 7; //电机B正反转控制端
int PWMB = 6; //电机B调速端
void motospd(int sp1,int sp2) //电机速度控制函数。括号内分别为左右电机速度值,
{                        //范围-255~+255,正值为正转,负值为反转。
   digitalWrite(INA, HIGH);   
    digitalWrite(INA, LOW);
    digitalWrite(INB, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(INB, LOW);
 analogWrite(PWMA,abs (sp1));
 analogWrite(PWMB,abs (sp2));
void setup(){  
pinMode(11, INPUT); //配置左传感器IO口为输入
pinMode(12, INPUT); //配置中传感器IO口为输入
pinMode(13, INPUT); //配置右传感器IO口为输入
Serial.begin(9600); //打开串口,初始化
pinMode(INB,OUTPUT);   //配置电机驱动IO口为输出
void loop(){ 
SNUM[0] = digitalRead(11);//左传感器赋值
SNUM[1] = digitalRead(12); //中传感器赋值
SNUM[2] = digitalRead(13); //右传感器赋值
for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
 if ((SNUM[0]==1)&&(SNUM[1]==1)&&(SNUM[2]==1))//所有传感器都没有检测到障碍
motospd(100,100);                          //直行
 if ((SNUM[0]==0)&&(SNUM[1]==1)&&(SNUM[2]==1)) //左传感器检测到障碍物
   motospd(100,50);                           //右转
   if ((SNUM[0]==1)&&(SNUM[1]==1)&&(SNUM[2]==0)) //右传感器检测到障碍物
   motospd(50,100);                             //左转
   if ((SNUM[0]==1)&&(SNUM[1]==0)&&(SNUM[2]==1)) //中传感器检测到障碍物
   motospd(-100,-100);                           //后退
const int pingPin = 7; // Trigger Pin of Ultrasonic Sensor
const int echoPin = 6; // Echo Pin of Ultrasonic Sensor
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Starting Serial Terminal }
void loop() {
  long duration, inches, cm;
  pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) {
  return microseconds / 29 / 2;

3.25 实物展示图 交互情景详解 视频 Here is a short video of the Functioning scenario.

In this video it recorded how this installation works and interaction with human's movement.

As each sensor controls one component, their branches movement are connected via the Plastic rope to the other components, hopefully creating the feeling that there is only one mechanical 'life' feels and reacts to the move of participants.

Will the participant feel in connection with the plants, feel like "it" is breathing, observing, carefully using its branches exploring, or even trying to communicating with the participants, in its point of view:strangers? What does it feel like? When you get closer, when you have to keep quiet to make it "calm" and then that's so quiet that you can hear yourself breathing... Closer, together? And when you are completely surrounded by these green live plants, no distance to the leaves,will it feels like you are together?

This is a plant that spins alone

Getting close/ pausing/ thinking
Closer/ Trembling/ Attempt to deterring from approaching
Retreat- Stretching and Relax
Get close- Moving up and down  /shrinking
Stay- more and more relax
Get in harmony...  stretching the branch like gentle touch 

Closer, together?

what does it feels when in extremely quiet and surrounded by plants? 

Moving up and down

Is that a threaten?  What will plants do if they really can move like animal?


3.29Summary More can do: 1,Observe more how people interact with plants. 2,Build and improve motor mechanism. 3,Find another materials to connect with motor and tests. Consider how this helps build the relation between users and plants.