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File:Shape Experiment 9.JPG
File:Shape Experiment 9.JPG
== Developing an Euglena Toolkit ==
Experimenting with Euglena in different ways made me even more intersteted in this organism. Especially the experiments with the shapes were very exciting and fascinating. So I decided to develop a toolkit (or the prototyp of a toolkit) which makes it easy to arrange similar projects. I still have more ideas what I could do with the tools I have and I am curious what kind of ideas other people would have regarding this topic.
Remark: I developed this toolkit based on the knowledge of Euglena I have by now. The main focus on this project is giving interested people the chance to experiment with Euglena artistically on a low budget.
What is it? A playful installation which makes it possible to draw with the single-celled organism Euglena. If you have different ideas to enhance it - go for it!
What can you do with it? The installation is made for experimenting with Euglena in connection with light, colors and shapes. People who are interested can use it for playing around and turn their pictures into a very different form of drawing. I think it is especially interesting because you can control the development of the outcome not completely. At some point you need to give up the control over your artwork and let Euglena surprise you. You can draw your very own picture, convert it into a mask and receive an Euglena based drawing as outcome. By taking a photo before the artwork fades, you can create a visual memory which can also be printed (e.g. on linen) as art print.
-> working on toolkit and guidance. Details will follow.