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This group contains all content specific controllers.
This group contains all content specific controllers.

Controller class which controls a contentContainer, which can have a TxtContentController, an ImgContentController, a DownloadContentController and the TopContentController, or subclasses of it.
It controls also the movement from one content (e.g. text) to an other content (e.g. the image list).

Is a subclass of the ContentContainerController to show only the site notice (Impressum) of this app, which comes from the web server.

Its view is the first view which is visible in the ContentContainerController. It controls the display of the big images, the navigation between them and an overlay, which shows the title and the description, if the user taps on this image.

Subclass of the TopContentController to show the map of the Campus. For every building is a description, which is visible, if the user taps on the building.

Subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to interesting web pages, which contains information about the university, e.g. links to social medie networks.

Subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to student projects.

Is the base class for all contents, except the TopContent. Initialized the views with a background, a title, a close button and a button for the content. The screenshot called "Text view for the content container" shows three of them on the right of the ContentContainer.

Shows rich formatted text in a UIWebView. This can be text, with some links inside, or the link list of this application. If a link is taped  it will inform its webDelegate to show the link in the TopWebView (see the section view for detail).

Shows a list of images in a table view. This class controls the tableView and is also the dataSource of the UiTableView. If the user taps on an item, this item will be visible in bog on the TopContentController.

Is a subclass of the ImgContentController, but it shows different text and also selecting of an image does not rotate to the TopContentController. Instead it shows the content in the TopWebView.
=== View group ===
=== View group ===

=== Model group ===
=== Model group ===