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== Classes ==
== Classes ==

=== TBXML ===
=== TBXML ===
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This application reads xml date through the [http://www.tbxml.co.uk/TBXML/TBXML_Free.html tbxml] framework.
This application reads xml date through the [http://www.tbxml.co.uk/TBXML/TBXML_Free.html tbxml] framework.

=== LivingCampusAppDelegate ===
=== Main group ===
The application delegate class. It has a reference to the LivingCampusViewController
''LivingCampusAppDelegate'' is the application delegate class. It has a reference to the LivingCampusViewController
=== LivingCampusViewController ===
The root controller for the Living Campus app. It controls the main things, like intro, outro animation, displaying the menu points and menu items for every menu point. It has also a reference to the basic model class named LivingCampusModel

''LivingCampusViewController'' is the root controller for the Living Campus app. It controls the main things, like intro, outro animation, displaying the menu points and menu items for every menu point. It has also a reference to the basic model class named LivingCampusModel.

=== Controller group ===
=== Controller group ===

==== InitLoaderController class ====
''InitLoaderController class'' controls the init loader for the app. This means the movement of the red filled logo and also the animation with a pencil, that writes text to complete the logo of the university.
This class controls the init loader for the app. This means the movement of the red filled logo and also the animation with a pencil, that writes text to complete the logo of the university.

==== Content group ====
==== Content group ====
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This group contains all content specific controllers.
This group contains all content specific controllers.

'''ContentContainerController''' controls a contentContainer, which can have a TxtContentController, an ImgContentController, a DownloadContentController and the TopContentController, or subclasses of it.
''ContentContainerController'' controls a contentContainer, which can have a TxtContentController, an ImgContentController, a DownloadContentController and the TopContentController, or subclasses of it.
It controls also the movement from one content (e.g. text) to an other content (e.g. the image list).
It controls also the movement from one content (e.g. text) to an other content (e.g. the image list).

'''ImpressumContainerController''' is a subclass of the ContentContainerController to show only the site notice (Impressum) of this app, which comes from the web server.
''ImpressumContainerController'' is a subclass of the ContentContainerController to show only the site notice (Impressum) of this app, which comes from the web server.

'''TopContentController''' is the controller class, which shows the first view of  the ContentContainerController. It controls the display of the big images, the navigation between them and an overlay, which shows the title and the description, if the user taps on this image.
''TopContentController'' is the controller class, which shows the first view of  the ContentContainerController. It controls the display of the big images, the navigation between them and an overlay, which shows the title and the description, if the user taps on this image.

'''CampusMapTopController''' is a subclass of the TopContentController to show the map of the Campus. For every building is a description, which is visible, if the user taps on the building.
''CampusMapTopController'' is a subclass of the TopContentController to show the map of the Campus. For every building is a description, which is visible, if the user taps on the building.

'''PinwallTopController''' is a subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to interesting web pages, which contains information about the university, e.g. links to social medie networks.
''PinwallTopController'' is a subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to interesting web pages, which contains information about the university, e.g. links to social medie networks.

'''ProjectTopController''' is a subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to student projects.
''ProjectTopController'' is a subclass of the TopContentController in the menu point Mediathek (Media), to show some links to student projects.

'''ContentController''' is the base class for all contents, except the TopContent. Initialized the views with a background, a title, a close button and a button for the content. The screenshot called "Text view for the content container" shows three of them on the right of the ContentContainer.
''ContentController'' is the base class for all contents, except the TopContent. Initialized the views with a background, a title, a close button and a button for the content. The screenshot called "Text view for the content container" shows three of them on the right of the ContentContainer.

'''TxtContentController''' shows rich formatted text in a UIWebView. This can be text, with some links inside, or the link list of this application. If a link is taped  it will inform its webDelegate to show the link in the TopWebView (see the section view for detail).
''TxtContentController'' shows rich formatted text in a UIWebView. This can be text, with some links inside, or the link list of this application. If a link is taped  it will inform its webDelegate to show the link in the TopWebView (see the section view for detail).

'''ImgContentController''' shows a list of images in a table view. This class controls the tableView and is also the dataSource of the UiTableView. If the user taps on an item, this item will be visible in bog on the TopContentController.
''ImgContentController'' shows a list of images in a table view. This class controls the tableView and is also the dataSource of the UiTableView. If the user taps on an item, this item will be visible in bog on the TopContentController.
''DownloadContentController'' is a subclass of the ImgContentController, but it shows different text and also selecting of an image does not rotate to the TopContentController. Instead it shows the content in the TopWebView.

'''DownloadContentController''' is a subclass of the ImgContentController, but it shows different text and also selecting of an image does not rotate to the TopContentController. Instead it shows the content in the TopWebView.

=== View group ===
=== View group ===

''ClockView'' shows the clock for some menu points and controls the minute and the hour hand.
''LoaderView'' shows the progress loader for menu items, if their content is not loaded and will be loaded.
''MenuItemView'' shows the red circle with the I in it and controls the tapping on this circle. If the user taps on one circle, the title of the menu item come visible. If the user taps on a menuItemView a second time, the root controller will be informed and the specific ContentContainerController will become visible.
''MenuItemDescriptionView'' shows only the title of the menu item.
''StartBtnView'' is the view for one image button, which is visible on the start point. Every StartBtnView shows a menu point for the app. If the user taps once on it, a description will be visible and if the user taps a second time on it, the rootController will be informed and will show the specific menu point.
''StarView'' shows the stars for some menu point at night. The stars have a small alpha animation, which is changing over the time.
''TopWebView'' shows almost every link inside the app in an UIWebView. It does not allow the user to get to a specific web page. You can only see pages and subpages of the specific link.
==== Animation group ====
Contains all views, which are menu point animations
''LivingCampusAnimationView'' shows basic animation, which are left to right or right to left animations. It gets the data for the animation from the model class  LivingCampusAnimation.
''LivingCampusCarAnimationView'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimationView. If a car reached 3/4 of the movement animation, this view will post a notification, which is not supported in the base class. The animation of a car must be started via a controller, because the feature to automatic animate the car after a random time is not supported.
''LivingCampusMultipleAnimationView'' shows a animation, which is divided in some smaller parts. E.g. a persons holds his hand to the top is one part, the persons moves one meter to the right is the second part and then the person moves one meter back to the left is the third part. Between every part is a random time, which is given by the LivingCampusMultipleAnimation.
''LivingCampusPathAnimationView'' shows an animation, which has a start, a middle and an end point, like the plane in the menu point Studium (Study), or the bird in the menu points Campus, Stadt (Town) and Freizeit (Freetime).
==== Content group ====
''CampusMapBtnView'' is the button, which is visible in the campusMap. It saves the title and the description of the special campus map button. It is a subclass of UIButton, but the hit area is not limited to rectangles. The alpha value of the image for the button state works as the hit area.
''ContentBtnView'' is the button, which is visible on the right side of every content (controller). It has a background and a label.

'''ClockView''' shows the clock for some menu points and controls the minute and the hour hand.
''ImgTableViewCell'' is the tableViewCelll for the UITableView, which is visible in the imgContent. It has a image on the left and text on the right. The text consists of a title and a description.

'''LoaderView''' shows the progress loader for menu items, if their content is not loaded and will be loaded.
''SpecialTopBtnView'' is the button, which is visible in the project and notice board menu item. It is a subclass of UIButton, but the hit area is not limited to rectangles. The alpha value of the image for the button state works as the hit area.

'''MenuItemView''' shows the red circle with the I in it and controls the tapping on this circle. If the user taps on one circle, the title of the menu item come visible. If the user taps on a menuItemView a second time, the root controller will be informed and the specific ContentContainerController will become visible.

'''MenuItemDescriptionView''' shows only the title of the menu item.
=== Model group ===

'''StartBtnView''' is the view for one image button, which is visible on the start point. Every StartBtnView shows a menu point for the app. If the user taps once on it, a description will be visible and if the user taps a second time on it, the rootController will be informed and will show the specific menu point.
This group contains all model classes.

'''StarView''' shows the stars for some menu point at night. The stars have a small alpha animation, which is changing over the time.
''LivingCampusModel'' is the base model for the app. The rootController talks to this class to get the model for the views. It knows, what languages are available and how many menuPoints the app has.

'''TopWebView''' shows almost every link inside the app in an UIWebView. It does not allow the user to get to a specific web page. You can only see pages and subpages of the specific link.
''MenuItemModel'' saves the data for one menu item. Saves the position of the red circles, the id of the item and has a reference to its own ContentContainer.

''StartBtnModel'' is the model for the StartBtnView, which is visible on the start menu point. It saves the image, the frame of the image adn the title of the button.

''Language'' saves all data, which belongs to the languages. This information are stored in a xml file, which will be load at the start of the app. ''Language'' saves the localized description of contact, no content available, FH Brandenburg, image, movie, link and link description.

==== Animation group ====
==== Animation group ====

Contains all views, which are menu point animations
This group contains the models to the corresponding  AnimationsView, except of the LivingCampusCarAnimation, which has no own model class. It uses the LivingCampusAnimation model.

'''LivingCampusAnimationView''' shows basic animation, which are left to right or right to left animations. The object, which moves, can be a single image or an image sequence. Between every animation is a random time, which is given by the LivingCampusAnimation.
''LivingCampusAnimation'' saves the data, which is needed for an basic left to right animation. The object, which moves, can be a single image or an image sequence. Between every animation is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime. Every LivingCampusAnimation can have sound and the sound path is stored in this model.

'''LivingCampusCarAnimationView''' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimationView. If a car reached 3/4 of the movement animation, this view will post a notification, which is not supported in the base class. The animation of a car must be started via a controller, because the feature to automatic animate the car after a random time is not supported.
''LivingCampusMultipleAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and support multiple part animations. Every animation part can have its own sound. E.g. a persons holds his hand to the top is one part, the persons moves one meter to the right is the second part and then the person moves one meter back to the left is the third part. Between every part is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime.

'''LivingCampusMultipleAnimationView''' shows a animation, which is divided in some smaller parts. E.g. a persons holds his hand to the top is one part, the persons moves one meter to the right is the second part and then the person moves one meter back to the left is the third part. Between every part is a random time, which is given by the LivingCampusMultipleAnimation.
''LivingCampusPathAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and and supports basic animations, which has a start point, a middle point and an end point.

'''LivingCampusPathAnimationView''' shows an animation, which has a start, a middle and an end point, like the plane in the menu point Studium (Study), or the bird in the menu points Campus, Stadt (Town) and Freizeit (Freetime).
==== ContentContainer group ====

==== Content group ====
=== Model group ===
==== MenuPoint group ====