IFD:IOSDev/Projects/Andreas: Difference between revisions

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==== Content group ====
==== Content group ====

''CampusMapBtnView'' is the button, which is visible in the campusMap. It saves the title and the description of the special campus map button. It is a subclass of UIButton, but the hit area is not limited to rectangles. The alpha value of the image for the button state works as the hit area.
''CampusMapBtnView'' is the button, which is visible in the campusMap. It stores the title and the description of the special campus map button. It is a subclass of UIButton, but the hit area is not limited to rectangles. The alpha value of the image for the button state works as the hit area.

''ContentBtnView'' is the button, which is visible on the right side of every content (controller). It has a background and a label.
''ContentBtnView'' is the button, which is visible on the right side of every content (controller). It has a background and a label.
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''LivingCampusModel'' is the base model for the app. The rootController talks to this class to get the model for the views. It knows, what languages are available and how many menuPoints the app has.
''LivingCampusModel'' is the base model for the app. The rootController talks to this class to get the model for the views. It knows, what languages are available and how many menuPoints the app has.

''MenuItemModel'' saves the data for one menu item. Saves the position of the red circles, the id of the item and has a reference to its own ContentContainer.
''MenuItemModel'' stores the data for one menu item. It stores the position of the red circles, the id of the item and has a reference to its own ContentContainer.

''StartBtnModel'' is the model for the StartBtnView, which is visible on the start menu point. It saves the image, the frame of the image adn the title of the button.
''StartBtnModel'' is the model for the StartBtnView, which is visible on the start menu point. It stores the image, the frame of the image adn the title of the button.

''Language'' saves all data, which belongs to the languages. This information are stored in a xml file, which will be load at the start of the app. ''Language'' saves the localized description of contact, no content available, FH Brandenburg, image, movie, link and link description.
''Language'' stores all data, which belongs to the languages. This information are stored in a xml file, which will be load at the start of the app. Language stores the localized description of contact, no content available, FH Brandenburg, image, movie, link and link description.

==== Animation group ====
==== Animation group ====

This group contains the models to the corresponding AnimationsView, except of the LivingCampusCarAnimation, which has no own model class. It uses the LivingCampusAnimation model.
This group contains the models to the corresponding AnimationsViews, except of the LivingCampusCarAnimation, which has no own model class. It uses the LivingCampusAnimation model.

''LivingCampusAnimation'' saves the data, which is needed for an basic left to right animation. The object, which moves, can be a single image or an image sequence. Between every animation is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime. Every LivingCampusAnimation can have sound and the sound path is stored in this model.
''LivingCampusAnimation'' stores the data, which is needed for an basic left to right animation. The object, which moves, can be a single image or an image sequence. Between every animation is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime. Every LivingCampusAnimation can have sound and the sound path is stored in this model.

''LivingCampusMultipleAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and support multiple part animations. Every animation part can have its own sound. E.g. a persons holds his hand to the top is one part, the persons moves one meter to the right is the second part and then the person moves one meter back to the left is the third part. Between every part is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime.
''LivingCampusMultipleAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and support multiple part animations. Every animation part can have its own sound. E.g. a persons holds his hand to the top is one part, the persons moves one meter to the right is the second part and then the person moves one meter back to the left is the third part. Between every part is a random time, which is given by a min and maxTime.

''LivingCampusPathAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and and supports basic animations, which has a start point, a middle point and an end point.
''LivingCampusPathAnimation'' is a subclass of LivingCampusAnimation and supports basic animations, which has a start point, a middle point and an end point.

==== ContentContainer group ====
==== ContentContainer group ====

This group contains all models, which belongs to the contents.
''ContentContainerModel'' is the model for the ContentContainerController and own all possible contents for this menu container. Every menu item has at least one contentContainerModel.
Possible contents are one TxtModel, one ImgList for images, one ImgList for movies, one ImgList for download files and an array of LinkModels.
''ContentModel'' is the base class for all contents and defines some protocols. Direct subclasses are TxtModel, ImgListModel, ImgModel and LinkModel.
''TxtModel" is a the model for the TxtContentController. It stores a text with an css file, to format the text.
''ImgListModel'' is the model, which holds a list of images, movies and downloads. The list can contains sections and the ImgListModel knows the section and the corresponding titles.
''ImgModel'' represents one image with an image, thumb image, the title and the description of the image.
''MovModel'' is a subclass of ImgModel and represents the same data, except the image The image is in the MovModel a reference to an movie. Additionally it stores the width and the height of the movie.
''DownloadModel'' is also a subclass of ImgModel and and represents the same data, except the image, which is only a url to a download file. Additionally it stores the size of the download file.
''LinkModel'' represents a link with a title ad the corresponding url

==== MenuPoint group ====
==== MenuPoint group ====

In this group are all menu points with their data stored.
''MenuPoint'' is the base class of all menu points and stores the data and functions, which are relevant to every menu point. It stores all menu items for the menu point, the urls to the intro, the outro animation for the day and night version, the image and animations for both versions.
''StartPointModel'' is the model for the start menu point. Animations are the smoke in the daytime and at night and a window light animation at night.
''CampusPointModel'' is the model for the Campus menu point. Night animations are the peoples, which moves from left to right and right to left, the peoples, which stand in front of the Mensa and the audimax, the bat in the sky and the stars. Day animations are the peoples, which moves from left to right and right to left, the peoples, which stand in front of the Mensa and the audimax, the bird in the sky and clouds.
''StudyPointModel'' is the model for the Studium (Study) menu point. Night animations are the two students, the professor, the clock, the beamer animation and the clouds. Day animations are the two students, the professor, the clock, the beamer animation and the stars.
''TownPointModel'' is the model for the Stadt (Town) menu point. Night animations are the person on the balcony, the person, which stands roadside, the person, which moves in the background from left to right, a bat, some cars and the stars. Day animations are the person on the balcony, three people, which stands roadside, the person, which moves in the background from left to right, a bird, some cars and the clouds.
''FreetimePointModel'' is the model for the Freizeit (Freetime) menu point. Night animations are the person on the boat, the person on the bridge, the two people on the stage, the water animation, the bat and the stars. Day animations are the person on the boat, the two people on the stage, the water animation, the bird and the clouds.
''MediaPointModel'' is the model for the Mediathek (Media library) menu point. It is a special menu point, because it has also a reference to all images and movies in this app. There are two special menu items. One shows all images in this app and the other shows all movies in the app on one place. Night animations are the movie on the screen, the person on the door, a clock and the stars. Day animations are the movie on the screen, the person on the door, the person on the sofa, a clock and the clouds.