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(XI Interval Timer)
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=== XI Interval Timer===
<source lang="java">
* Often when animating things, we need
* to trigger events in a certain interval.
* For this the millis() funtion is very helpful.
* It returns the time in milliseconds
* since the program was started.
* Frederic Gmeiner, 2011
// create a variable to store the last time
// our event was triggered. (the long datatype
// can store much larger numbers as an integer)
long lastMillis= 0;
// define the length of the interval
int interval = 1000;
void draw(){
  // check whether the interval time has passed:
  if(millis() - lastMillis > interval){
    // once the interval time has passed,
    // update the lastMillis so that we need to
    // wait again for 1000 milliseconds.
    lastMillis = millis();
    // trigger the event:
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