IFD:HumanCenteredDesignResearch SoSe13/team3: Difference between revisions

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* For example you can explain in detail how this site can make the searching process "quick and easy"?  
* For example you can explain in detail how this site can make the searching process "quick and easy"?  
* Also where do you get the creative materials? how would you promote and convince users to use this site? What are some other advantages/disadvantages of using this site?
* Also where do you get the creative materials? how would you promote and convince users to use this site? What are some other advantages/disadvantages of using this site?
=== Tony's Comments (Mozilla) ===
* I like the idea to focus on creative professionals, this is an interesting audience.
* how did you screen your research participants, what were the criteria used to define a "creative professional"?
* was find-ability the only issue keeping creatives from using this material? What specifically made findability so difficult?
* This is an interesting idea, but I'm having a hard time imagining how exactly this would work, is it a search engine like google, or an image service like Corbis, or something else?
* how can this improve upon the kinds of CC searches that sites like Flickr have for these creative professionals?