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[[File:VF 21stC history web.jpg]]
[[File:VF 21stC history web.jpg]]

Fist VF test:
First VF test:

Second VF test:
Second VF test:
Conclusion: So far I have not developed anything new or different in this field. More study and time would be required.
Moving towards Dogmas of today. Everyone walks around with a world view painting their experience of the world around them. Yet they are not often publicly expressed (except for some extremists from all viewpoints) due to having to defend them with logic or reason, of fear of being misunderstood or alienated.
Can an interactive setting in the urban space be conceived that allows such anonymous sharing and mixing of the many world-views held by people today, so that an overview of the similarities, contradictions and misunderstandings be laid bare in a democratic way?
Below is a Program I have written that takes some of sciences dogmas today and by clicking your mouse you can mix up the original sentences by changing at random the Subject, descriptor and object, creating new dogmas, some that don't make compete grammatical sense. Yet.
String sentence1;
String[] oBject = {
  " mechanical", " a machine"," fixed", " unconscious", " nature", " purpose", " genes", " brain", " mind", " head", " impossible", " that really works"
String[] descriptor = {
  "is", "is like", "is", "are ", "has no", "is in your", "are stored in your", "is in your", "is the activity of your", "are", "is the only type", "are in"
String[] subject = {
  "Nature ", "The universe ", "Matter ", "The laws of nature ", "The total amount of matter & energy ", "Evolution ", "Everything you inherit ", "Memories ", "Your brain ", "Your mind ", "Your consciousness ", "Psychic phenomena ", "Mechanistic medicine "
void setup() {
  size(800, 250);
  background(0, 15, 108);
void draw() {
  int i;
  if (mousePressed) {
    background(0, 15, 108);
    for (i=0; i <= 2; i++) {
      int random[] = {
      int sentence1PosY = 40+80*i;
      sentence1 = subject[random[0]] + descriptor[random[1]] + oBject[random[2]];
      text(sentence1, width/2, sentence1PosY);
  else {

[[Category:Initial Beginnings]]
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