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[ Phototaxis], directional swimming towards the light, is a widespread behaviour in marine plankton. About 80% of all marine invertebrates with a dispersing larval stage show positive phototaxis at the beginning of the dispersal phase. Following this positive phototactic stage, older larvae often become negatively phototactic. We study the mechanisms of both positive and negative phototaxis in Platynereis and other marine invertebrate larvae. <br>--Research Groups, Gáspár Jékely in Max planck Institute for Development Biology  
The Miller-Urey experiment was the first attempt to scientifically explore ideas about the origin of life. Stanley Miller simulated conditions thought be common on the ancient Earth. The purpose was to test the idea that the complex molecules of life (in this case, amino acids) could have arisen on our young planet through simple, natural chemical reactions.
The experiment was a success in that amino acids, the building blocks of life, were produced during the simulation. The finding was so significant that it kick started an entirely new field of study: Prebiotic Chemistry.
Scientists now have reason to believe that the gases used in the Miller-Urey simulation were not actually the same as those of the ancient atmosphere. Because of this, many experiments have since been done, testing a wide variety of atmospheres and different environmental conditions. The results are overwhelming: the molecules of life can form under a wide variety of ancient Earth-like conditions.
Many questions about the origin of life remain to be answered but these findings give strong support to the idea that the first living cells on Earth may have emerged from natural chemical reactions. <br>--Research Groups, Gáspár Jékely in Max planck Institute for Development Biology  

<<For the first time in history, researchers at the Max Plankton Institute in the Netherlands have recorded piano music practised by a common water flea. <br>First light of the phenomenon was obtained using darkfield microscopy>>
<<For the first time in history, researchers at the Max Plankton Institute in the Netherlands have recorded piano music practised by a common water flea. <br>First light of the phenomenon was obtained using darkfield microscopy>>