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Hi,Vannisa. Thank you for the comment of my project.You can check my response on my page.And I got the mail from dorpbox.
I really like your idea to take plant as one functional part of our house.<br/>
But I still have 2 questions: Out of their natural growing environment, if the Kokoromo can get enough energy supply at our homes?<br/> And will it also be a residence of bacterias?
About how to apply it to our home.I like the second idea better.I think you can make the liquid fertilizer gel like, so they can be pull off the wall later,like some masks.I don't think there is problem with glass. Because I don't think people will cover their window with some unmovable stuff.But if you really want to apply it to smooth surface, I think people can spry something to the surface, after drying, it will be rough, which is good to grow kokkoromo.<br/>
Also, I think maybe you can make Kokoromo wall paper, which is convenience to use or remove. But it may need help form wall paper worker.
* What should I do, if I want to move to another house/flat?
  In some case, you can move the Kokoromo along with you, if you need.But it
  Depends on how you applied it. In other case, the Kokoromo company can recycle
  them for you.
* Can it repair itself, when Kokoromo has no spores?
  There is supplement of spores. You can use it over the existed area of
  Kokoromo if needed.
* How I need to irrigate my moss?
  Depends on the humidity and temperature of your living area, you may need to
  irrigate your Kokoromo somehow.
That's what I thought about your Project!I think it's already quite good!<br/>
And I like its name~
Also, you can see my response to your comment at my project page~[[GMU:Synthetic_Biology/My Flower| My Flower]]
--[[User:yuxiaorui|Yu Xiaorui]] 12:32, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
'''<span style="color:#228B22">MY  PROJEKT</span>'''
'''<span style="color:#228B22">MY  PROJEKT</span>'''