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Code for the randomized music in processing (failed working)
[[File:Imageeorjklgoijre.png|thumb|1216x1216px|Whole code:// Sprühflasche aktiviert und triggert Sensor
// Sensor misst den Wert und je nach Wert wird Musik abgespielt
// plant leader: "The days of humankind have ended, for plants have taken over again! Now it is our place to rule over the earth and weather!"
// servant: "Oh my liege, how long we have waited for this moment to arrive! The downfall of humans has come!"
// plant leader: "Woooohaha"
// randomized music is played
import ddf.minim.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer currentPlayer;
ArrayList<AudioPlayer> players = new ArrayList<AudioPlayer>();
ArrayList<Integer> playOrder;
int currentIndex = 0;
void setup() {
  size(400, 200);
  minim = new Minim(this);
  // Lade die Sound-Dateien
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Supertramp - It's Raining Again (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Fools Garden - Lemon Tree (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Singin' in the Rain (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Rihanna - Umbrella ft. JAY-Z (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Surface - Shower Me With Your Love (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Jermaine Jackson, Pia Zadora - When the Rain Begins to Fall (cut).mp3"));

  players.add(minim.loadFile("Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots (cut).mp3"));

Code for the randomized music in processing (failed working)
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Prince - Purple Rain (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("ProleteR - April Showers (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head (cut).mp3"));
  players.add(minim.loadFile("The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men (cut).mp3"));
  // Erstelle eine zufällige Abspielreihenfolge
  playOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  for (int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) {
void draw() {
  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text("Playing: " + playOrder.get(currentIndex), width/2, height/2);
  // Check, ob der aktuelle Song fertig ist
  if (currentPlayer != null && !currentPlayer.isPlaying()) {
void playNext() {
  // Stoppe den aktuellen Player
  if (currentPlayer != null) {
  // Spiele den nächsten Song in der Reihenfolge ab
  currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % players.size();
  int nextIndex = playOrder.get(currentIndex);
  currentPlayer = players.get(nextIndex);;
void stop() {
  // Schließe Minim und die Audio-Player
  if (currentPlayer != null) currentPlayer.close();
//lackey: "Now no-one will poison our soil, sour the rains or starve us with droughts!"
//plant leader: "It is time for me to call to the mighty weather being, for she will be our greatest ally!
//plant leader: I must ensure a strong bond to reign in power over the lands with her!"
//plant leader:(now loud, speaking to the weather being) "Oh great being of the seasons, ruler of the water and the ice, the flowers and the mice, I pledge my undying loyalty to thee!"
// randomized music is played
//weather b.: (loudly, reverbing from the skies) "I hear thee, my child of life and growth.
//weather b.: It is thou I will take as my right hand, freed you have the holy land, of creatures that were cruel and bold, forever gone and left to mold.
//weather b.: From now I will be free of mind, will do what makes the creatures sigh. They can call to me and I will send the weather that they need at hand."
// randomized music is played
//plant leader: "Oh gracious thing, I salute thee, please grant us growth and prosperity. For now, we seek a healthy rain, to make earth drink and bloom again!"
//weather b.:"Your wish may be granted."
// weather b’s lackey: "To your service, Ma’am"(summons rain)
//(A loud thunder roams across the lands and an intense thunderstorm lets loose on the fields. The plants sigh.)
// randomized music is played]]

Revision as of 17:26, 8 January 2025


• Machtverhältnis?- Wer beeinflusst Wen?

◦ gewöhnlich beeinflusst die Wetterbedingungen, Umweltbedingungen und der Mensch die Natur

- Wetter: Zerstörung

- Umwelt: Vergiftung

- Mensch: Manipulation (Gentechnik)

◦ was man nicht erwarten würde: Pflanze beeinflusst verschiedene Leben oder Bedingungen

- Pflanze zerstört das Wetter??

- Pflanze vergiftet die Umwelt??

- Pflanze manipuliert Mensch/ Lebewesen

The actors

The plasma lamp in the role of: the weather conditions (main actor)

The fake plant in the role of: the plant leader (main actor)

The humidity sensor in the role of: the plant leader’s servant (side actor)

The spray bottle in the role of: the servant’s lackey (side actor)

The speaker in the role of: the prompter (background actor)


plant leader: "The days of humankind have ended, for plants have taken over again! Now it is our place to rule over the earth and weather!"

servant: "Oh my liege, how long we have waited for this moment to arrive! The downfall of humans has come!"

lackey: "Now no-one will poison our soil, sour the rains or starve us with droughts!"

plant leader: "It is time for me to call to the mighty weather being, for she will be our greatest ally! I must ensure a strong bond to reign in power over the lands with her!"(now loud, speaking to the weather being) "Oh great being of the seasons, ruler of the water and the ice, the flowers and the mice, I pledge my undying loyalty to thee!"

weather b.: (loudly, reverbing from the skies) "I hear thee, my child of life and growth. It is thou I will take as my right hand, freed you have the holy land, of creatures that were cruel and bold, forever gone and left to mold. From now I will be free of mind, will do what makes the creatures sigh. They can call to me and I will send the weather that they need at hand."

plant leader: "Oh gracious thing, I salute thee, please grant us growth and prosperity. For now, we seek a healthy rain, to make earth drink and bloom again!"

weather b.:"Your wish may be granted."

weather b’s lackey: "To your service, Ma’am"(summons rain)

(A loud thunder roams across the lands and an intense thunderstorm lets loose on the fields. The plants sigh.)

Code for the randomized music in processing (failed working)

Whole code:// Sprühflasche aktiviert und triggert Sensor // Sensor misst den Wert und je nach Wert wird Musik abgespielt // plant leader: "The days of humankind have ended, for plants have taken over again! Now it is our place to rule over the earth and weather!" // servant: "Oh my liege, how long we have waited for this moment to arrive! The downfall of humans has come!" // plant leader: "Woooohaha" // randomized music is played import ddf.minim.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; Minim minim; AudioPlayer currentPlayer; ArrayList<AudioPlayer> players = new ArrayList<AudioPlayer>(); ArrayList<Integer> playOrder; int currentIndex = 0; void setup() {   size(400, 200);   minim = new Minim(this);     // Lade die Sound-Dateien   players.add(minim.loadFile("Supertramp - It's Raining Again (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Fools Garden - Lemon Tree (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Singin' in the Rain (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Rihanna - Umbrella ft. JAY-Z (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Surface - Shower Me With Your Love (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Jermaine Jackson, Pia Zadora - When the Rain Begins to Fall (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Prince - Purple Rain (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("ProleteR - April Showers (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head (cut).mp3"));   players.add(minim.loadFile("The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men (cut).mp3"));     // Erstelle eine zufällige Abspielreihenfolge   playOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>();   for (int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) {     playOrder.add(i);   }   Collections.shuffle(playOrder);     playNext(); } void draw() {   background(50);   fill(255);   textSize(20);   textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);   text("Playing: " + playOrder.get(currentIndex), width/2, height/2);     // Check, ob der aktuelle Song fertig ist   if (currentPlayer != null && !currentPlayer.isPlaying()) {     playNext();   } } void playNext() {   // Stoppe den aktuellen Player   if (currentPlayer != null) {     currentPlayer.close();   }     // Spiele den nächsten Song in der Reihenfolge ab   currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % players.size();   int nextIndex = playOrder.get(currentIndex);   currentPlayer = players.get(nextIndex);; } void stop() {   // Schließe Minim und die Audio-Player   if (currentPlayer != null) currentPlayer.close();   minim.stop();   super.stop(); } //lackey: "Now no-one will poison our soil, sour the rains or starve us with droughts!" //plant leader: "It is time for me to call to the mighty weather being, for she will be our greatest ally! //plant leader: I must ensure a strong bond to reign in power over the lands with her!" //plant leader:(now loud, speaking to the weather being) "Oh great being of the seasons, ruler of the water and the ice, the flowers and the mice, I pledge my undying loyalty to thee!" // randomized music is played //weather b.: (loudly, reverbing from the skies) "I hear thee, my child of life and growth. //weather b.: It is thou I will take as my right hand, freed you have the holy land, of creatures that were cruel and bold, forever gone and left to mold. //weather b.: From now I will be free of mind, will do what makes the creatures sigh. They can call to me and I will send the weather that they need at hand." // randomized music is played //plant leader: "Oh gracious thing, I salute thee, please grant us growth and prosperity. For now, we seek a healthy rain, to make earth drink and bloom again!" //weather b.:"Your wish may be granted." // weather b’s lackey: "To your service, Ma’am"(summons rain) //(A loud thunder roams across the lands and an intense thunderstorm lets loose on the fields. The plants sigh.) // randomized music is played