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| For newcomers all the acronyms at the university can be confusing to say the least. That's why there is this list.
| | #REDIRECT [[Terminology]] |
| | |
| ;A : Architektur ''sometimes the letter '''A''' simply refers to the faculty of architecture''
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| ;API : [[wikipedia:Application programming interface]]
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| ;B : Bauingenieurwesen ''sometimes the letter '''B''' simply refers to the faculty of civil engeneering''
| |
| ;B11 : Bauhausstraße 11, Here is the faculty administration and another Mac Pool in the basement
| |
| ;B15 : Bauhausstraße 15, Here are some computer pools
| |
| ;BFA : Bachelor of Fine Arts ''undergraduate students will graduate with this degree''
| |
| ;Bib, Bibo : (fam.) Bibliothek ''Library''
| |
| ;Bison : Beratungs- und Informations-System online ''see VLV''
| |
| ;BPM : Beats per minute
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| ;BUW : Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
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| ;CD : [[Bauhaus-Universität Corporate Design|Corporate Design]] or Compact Disc
| |
| ;CI : Corporate Identity (Erscheinungsbild)
| |
| ;CMS : [[Webapps|Content Management System]]
| |
| ;CMYK : [[Farbe#Farbräume|Cyan Magenta Yellow Key]] Colorspace
| |
| ;CMYKGO : [[Farbe#Farbräume|Cyan Magenta Yellow Key Green Orange]] Colorspace (Hexachrome)
| |
| ;CPU : Central Processing Unit, an →IC, generally refered to as the processor in a computer
| |
| ;CSS : [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]]
| |
| ;CTP : [[Druckvorstufe|Computer to plate]]
| |
| ;CUDA : Compute Unified Device Architecture
| |
| ;CV : 1. [[Tracking Motion Detection|Computer Vision]]
| |
| : 2. [[wikipedia:Curriculum vitae]]
| |
| ;DBIS : Datenbankinformationssystem
| |
| ;DMX : [[DMX|'''D'''igital '''M'''ultiple'''x''']] a lighting control protocol standard using XLR cables
| |
| ;dpi : [[Druckvorstufe|dots per inch]]
| |
| ;DTP : [[Druckvorstufe|Desktop Publishing]]
| |
| ;DVI : [[Standards/Video|Digital Visual Interface]]
| |
| ;ECTS : [[ECTS|European Credit Transfer System]]
| |
| ;EXPTV : [[EXPTV:Start|Chair Experimentelle Television]]
| |
| ;EZB : Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
| |
| ;FK : Freie Kunst ''a program at the faculty Gestaltung''
| |
| ;FLOSS : Free/Libre Open Source Software
| |
| ;FPS : Frames per second
| |
| ;G : Gestaltung ''sometimes the letter '''G''' simply refers to the faculty of art and design''
| |
| ;Gem : [[Tracking Motion Detection#Gem|Graphics Environment for Multimedia]] an OpenGL extension for →[[Pure Data|Pd]]
| |
| ;GMU : [[GMU:Start|Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen]]
| |
| ;GPS : [[GPS|Global Positioning System]]
| |
| ;GPU : Graphics Processing Unit, the main →IC on a graphics adapter (Grafikkarte)
| |
| ;GUI : Graphical User Interface
| |
| ;HfM : Hochschule für Musik ''Academy of Music'' Franz Liszt
| |
| ;HKS : Color system by [[Farbe#HKS|Hostmann-Steinberg Druckfarben, Kast + Ehinger Druckfarben und H. Schmincke & Co.]]
| |
| ;HSB : [[Farbe#Farbräume|Hue Saturation Brightness]] Colorspace
| |
| ;HTML : [[HTML|Hypertext Markup Language]]
| |
| ;IC : Integrated Circuit, also called “chip”
| |
| ;IDE : [[wikipedia:Integrated development environment]]
| |
| ;IFD : [[IFD:Start|Interface-Design]]
| |
| ;IKKM : [http://www.ikkm-weimar.de International Research Institute for Cultural Technologies and Media Philosophy]
| |
| ;Int : [[Int|Integer]] is a data type in many programming languages
| |
| ;JSON : [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]]
| |
| ;KEW : Künstlerisch-Experimentelle Werkstätten
| |
| ;KVC+KVO : [[KVC+KVO|Key-Value-Coding + Key-Value-Observing]]
| |
| ;LAN : Local Area Network
| |
| ;LASER : Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
| |
| ;LDAP : [[SCC-Services|Lightweight Directory Access Protocol]], [[wikipedia:LDAP]]
| |
| ;LP : Leistungspunkte, also see [[ECTS|European Credit Transfer System]]
| |
| ;M : Medien ''sometimes the letter '''M''' simply refers to the faculty of media''
| |
| ;M5 : [[Marienstraße 5]]
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| ;M7b : [[Marienstraße 7b]]
| |
| ;M18 : Marienstraße 18, this is where the StuKo and the students Café is
| |
| ;MFA : Master of Fine Arts ''graduate students will receive this degree''
| |
| ;MG : Mediengestaltung ''there is not yet an established acronym for Media Art and Design, Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung''
| |
| ;MIDI : Musical Instruments Digital Interface ''see also →OSC''
| |
| ;MK : Medienkultur
| |
| ;MM : Medienmanagement
| |
| ;MoCap : [[Tracking Motion Detection|Motion Capture]]
| |
| ;Moodle : [[Moodle|Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment]]
| |
| ;MVC : [[MVC|Model/View/Controller]]-Design Pattern
| |
| ;OPAC : Online Public Access Catalogue
| |
| ;OOP : [[OOP|Object-Oriented Programming]]
| |
| ;OS : Operating System ''for instance Apple's OS X stands for the tenth version of the OS''
| |
| ;OSC : [[OSC|Open Sound Control]]
| |
| ;OSM : [[Mapping|Open Street Map]] a free and open map source
| |
| ;Pd : [[Pure Data]] a programming environment
| |
| ;PHP : [[PHP|PHP Hypertext Processor]]
| |
| ;Q3 : Coudraystraße. A Street named after [[wikipedia:de:Clemens Wenzeslaus Coudray| Clemens Wenzeslaus Coudray]]. In fact this is not an acronym, it's a phonetic joke in reference to M18, B11 and so forth. Be aware that the number 3 is part of it and not the address. The University's building in that street is number 13.
| |
| ;RAL : Color system [[Farbe#RAL|Reichs-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen]]
| |
| ;Regex : [[Regular Expressions]]
| |
| ;REWE : Acronym for “Revisionsverband der Westkauf-Genossenschaften” ''a german supermarket chain''
| |
| ;RGB : [[Farbe#Farbräume|Red Green Blue]] Colorspace
| |
| ;SDK : Software Development Kit
| |
| ;SeaM : [[EKK:Start|Studio für elektroakustische Musik]] – Studio for electroacoustic Music
| |
| ;SS : Sommersemester – summer semester. Usually this is followed by the year. If not it could be something else.
| |
| ;StuKo : Studierenden Konvent (some other Universities call this Sudentenrat)
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| ;SCC : [[SCC-Services|Servicezentrum für Computersysteme und -kommunikation]] (some other Universities call this Rechenzentrum)
| |
| ;SWS : [[SWS|Semesterwochenstunden]]
| |
| ;SVG : [[HTML#SVG|Scaleable Vector Graphics]]
| |
| ;TCP/IP : [[TCP/IP UDP]]
| |
| ;Thoska : [http://www.uni-weimar.de/cms/intern/thoska.html '''T'''hüringer '''Ho'''chschul- und '''S'''tudentenwerks'''ka'''rte''] that's the student service and identification card''
| |
| ;UI : User Interface
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| ;UK : Universitätskommunikation ''a service of the university taking care of public relations''
| |
| ;VDV : Van-de-Velde Bau ''A building on the campus named after and built by [[wikipedia:Henry van de Velde]]
| |
| ;VGA : [[Standards/Video|Video Graphics Array]]
| |
| ;VK : Visuelle Kommunikation ''a graphic design program at the faculty Gestaltung''
| |
| ;VLV : Vorlesungsverzeichnis
| |
| ;VPN : [[VPN-Clients an der Bauhaus-Uni|Virtual Private Network]] you need to know how to set this up if you want →(W)LAN access at the university
| |
| ;Wiki : not an acronym but Haiwaiian for ''fast''. It is the name for a hypertext system for websites where the user may not only read the content but is also able to change it instantaneously through the browser.
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| ;WLAN : Wireless →''LAN''
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| ;WS : Wintersemester
| |
| ;XAMP : [[PHP|A combination of different software for web server]]
| |
| ;XHTML : Extensible Hypertext Markup Language →HTML
| |
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| == Siehe auch ==
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| * [[GMU:BioGlossar]]
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| * [http://www.uni-weimar.de/cms/universitaet/zentrale-einrichtungen/servicezentrum-fuer-computersysteme-und-kommunikation/it-sicherheit/glossar-its.html IT-Glossar des SCC]
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| [[Category:Help]] | | [[Category:Help]] |