GMU:I, Organism, and Feedback Loops/Carlos Garcia Fernandez

From Medien Wiki


first prototypes for the installation



8. May 2019
Beautiful mistakes... all the physarum samples present some kind contamination. Also the petridishes with Armillaria Gallica show contamination, but also shows the sample grew quite a lot. The samples taken from the nose microbiota look just amazing.

Armillaria Gallica sample

Nose microbiota sample.

30. April 2019
Physarum Polycephalum samples present contamination and some kind of "hairy" elements. I changed the petri dishes, hoping that some samples will survive. Also some new samples of Armillaria Gallica are placed on new fresh petri dishes.


26. April 2019
Introductory course; getting to know the lab, the tools and the procedures. We cooked some agar and PDYP medium, and planted the first samples of Physarum Polycephalum and Armillaria Gallica, as well as some samples of nose and mouth microbiote.


Also learnt how to use the microscopes and how to connect it to the camera/PC, and took a peek at the dancing Euglenas. I also took some cool pics of Armillaria Gallica and another unknown sample with the phone using the microscope.


Found some documentation for complete beginners in the lab, how to proceed when cooking medium, sterelization and techniques for growing fungi and bacteria. Also found a "Physarum care sheet".
File:Physarum_care sheet.pdf

24. April 2019
Arduino, organisms and feedback; could we connect the Arduino microcontroller to a cucumber on a closed loop, where the resistance is somehow determined by the current passed at the same time by two pins connected to the same vegetable? create a close loop?

17. April 2019
First contact with the Biolab. We were given some exemplars of dinoflagellates pyrocystis fusiformis and learnt how to cook the adequate medium for them.
