
From Medien Wiki


PRINT... it.
PLAY..... it.
EAT....... it.
Easy-peasy & Supertasty .
Print ur favourite toys with banana-flavour. Or strawberry. Or whatever you prefer to taste & smell.
To boot: Print it in the colour of your choice.
Your imagination knows no boundaries.'*'
Of what taste was your teddy?
Fuzzles? Dust? Cat in mouth?


'*' Besides the boundaries of a RapMan-3D-FDM-Printer plus Frostruder-add-on.
This you can load with your individually flavoured alimentpaste.
RapMan+Frostruder then hopefully print the toy of your choice - !3 dimensional!.

To Do

To get the full benefit of your externalized form-taste-smell-color-synesthesia, you need

1. RapMan
2. Frostruder
3. Compressor
4. Virtual 3D-Model
5. Alimentpaste

The RapMan we already have successfully constructed.
Now it is to manufacture and install the Frostruder-Add-On on the RapMan. Therefore we need a suitable adapter for the RapMan, in which an alimentpaste filled syringe is inserted. Also a solenoid with some flexible tubes to connect the compressor - which we happily own too - is putted on.
The first tests regarding a manageable alimentpasteconsistence surely are direct inspirations for the upcoming virtual Tchotchkes-3D-models.

So far the raw schedule.
Further detailed field-reports will follow.

... to be continued ...