GMU:Algorithmic Art/Manuel Hartmann

From Medien Wiki

Welcome to my digital sketchbook.

Algorithm for Humans 1 — 19.10.18

Algorithm Rendering
Code 1.png Rendering 1.png

Algorithm for Computers 1 — 19.10.18

Algorithm Rendering
For every frame, from every corner of the image one line is drawn to the current mouse position.
First Sketch

Algorithm Rendering
Inspired by a work from Lohse.
Generate Lohse Art

Algorithm for Humans 2 — 26.10.18

Algorithm Rendering
Code 2.png Rendering 2.png

Algorithm for Computers 2 — 26.10.18

Algorithm Rendering
For every cell in the grid draw a stickfigure with a random color. A stickfigure is a glyph based visualization technique to visualize any kind of data. A circle is segmented in three parts, each 120°. One part for each value of the rgb color. Then a line is drawn visualizing the value. 0 - 255 mapped to 0 - 120°. I made the strokeWeight higher and colored all lines by the color it represents. First Sketch