GMU:Artistic research in Experimental Biology/Henning Francik

From Medien Wiki


  • I have a Background in Environmental Geosciences (M.Sc)
  • Currently Studies in Media Informatics at Bauhaus University
  • I love Science and Design and want to explore the numerous links between them


Idea No. 1

(Keywords: Nitrogen cycle, information design, interactive learning device, sonoification) In collaboration with the microbes i want to create an interactive information visualization and sonification to give an insight into some fascinating aspects of the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle (especially denitrification). This highly complex and dynamic process is particularly relevant in nature and for humans. I want to transform the process of denitrification into sound images and process them visually


Simple Video about the global Nitrogen Cycle:

Review Paper about Nitrogen processes in aquatic ecosystems:

General information about the process of Denitrification:

Idea No 2

(Keywords: Sustainable Materials, Growing Design, Biofabrication, microbial fuel cell) Using Microbes to grow materials from solid wastes (e.g. with Mycelium) to use it as a material basis for ecological product design or use their energetic potential (microbial fuel cell; bio-photovoltaics) to supply a product/device with small amounts of energy.


An Introduction about what Biodesign is and what it is not:

An Introduction about creating novel ecological materials from living organisms: "Growing materials for product design":

The "Moss Table" using biophotovoltaics:

Review Paper about "Microbial Fuel Cells: Methodology and Technology":